Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

"Wake up you lazy-" I swing my arm without lifting my face from the pillow and hear a thud. Oh no what did i hit now. I open one eye and look at the floor. Ok apparently it wasn't a what it was a who. Huh that explains the voice.

Oh wow you will never guess who's on the ground.... that's right it's Chr- it's Caleb. My poor twin just got punched in the face. " sorry Cal didn't know it was you" he rolled his eyes. " sure whatever "

I rolled over and swing my legs over to the side of my bed and look at him. " who are you talking to with that attitude cause I know damn well it isn't me" he scoffed at me and got up.

" I don't see any other idiots that go around punching there twin in the face " I narrowed my eyes at him and stood up. Oh damn I forgot he is taller than me but hey I'm stronger I had a the time in the world to work out.

I looked up at him as my chest pressed against his. Dude when did he get this talk he must be like six foot I'm only 5 foot seven inches. I'm shorter than him. It Kinda makes me sad.

" get out of my room before I hurt you" he put his hands up in surrender and started walking out backwards. After I slammed the door in his face I walked to my bathroom and looked at my face. Ah Jesus kill it. Holy shit I look... ugh.

I walked back to my room and grabbed my phone and put on music. I then went back to the bathroom and set my phone on the counter while taking my hair out. I then took a quick fifteen minute shower letting the water cascade over me.

After turning the water off to my shower I jumped out and wrapped a towel around me. I then made my way to my closet to look for clothes. Hmm what to wear what to wear. Alright how about oh that.

I grabbed high waisted shorts and a white crop top.

I put my hair up and curled the ends of my ponytail and smiled

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I put my hair up and curled the ends of my ponytail and smiled. Alright good enough. I added some mascara and winged eyeliner and went down stairs. Halfway down I remembered I forgot my phone and ran back up and grabbed it then went to the kitchen.

I then grab a protein shake and sit down at the island. I take o it my phone and look at the time. In doing this I almost choked on my drink. What the hell... he woke me up at fucking six in the morning. Why the- and then he walked in.

I glared at him but he just smirked. He had on padded jeans and a tight back shirt showing off his muscles. Oh Lord I can already see what's going to happen. " mind explaining why I am up at seven in the morning and sitting at the island"

" Oh your starting school today" I coughed and looked up at him. " the hell I am" no way I'm not going you gonna have to-

And here I am sitting in the parking lot of the school on my motorcycle getting looks from everyone. Caleb told me to leave before him and he would meet up with me and now I'm waiting and I swear when he gets here I'm going to kill him.


Alright that's it

Gotta go I have sports to do people

Bye see y'all soon

Ow my head

Ok I'm done bye

~ The lovely writer of this book ~ Alex

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And all that good stuff

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