another bonus

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Wow so many reads 2.81k like WHAT? Thank you all so here is another lovely chapter

Your the only one

1 year later

Sighing Luna tied the back of her top at the bass of her neck. Checking her appearance one last time, a small smile crept onto her face. Walking towards the door she grabbed her bag.looking back at her apartment one last time before turning amd locking the door.

Getting into the taxi that was waiting for her she sat in the back staring out the window thinking. Before she knew it she was on a plan on her way back home to see her brother, her friends, to see leo.

Falling asleep on the long plane ride she woke up to the last of people getting off the plane. She quickly grabbed her things and her messengers bag before getting off the plane.

Grabbing her suitcase she walked down the ramp and through the sliding doors. Down another ramp her eyes scanned around looking for Chris or leo, Any one really.

Sighing after being unsuccessful she turned the corner and say down on the edge of the fountain in the airport. After a few minutes she heard singing and froze.

Luna slowly lifted her head up and saw Leo along with some others with instruments. People began crowding around listening to leo.

Our of seven billion people in this world there's only you

Almost a million words that I could say but none of them will do

Out of the seven billion people baby your the only one

Luna placed her hand over her mouth as she sprang up after Leo finished singing and ran to him. Throwing her arms around his neck he lifted her up and spin around. God it felt so good to be back in these arms Luna through.

People clapped and the crowd dispersed. Leo placed her down as she greeted her other friends. Luna felt Leos eyes trained on her the entire time. Leaving he airport they all left to go to the bar.

The night was filled with laughter, jokes, smiles, love and anything else that pops to mind. Sharing a double chocolate cake, luna placed her head on Leo's shoulder and smiled.

Going home Leo pinned Luna against the door and started kissing down her neck and pulling her shirt off. Soon clothes were flying everywhere and bodies were pressed together.

The night was truly one to remember especially the end.



Here ya go guys I felt like you all deserved another chapter so here

I might make a sequel I've already planned some of it.

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