Chapter 18

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Chapter 18


She is mine damn it. Im gonna have to make sure everyone knows it. I take one last glance at her and look back at the guys and join in on the conversation.

~ Luna pov ~

After learning the guys names were Jake,Mark, Lukas, Tyler, and the one that put his arm around me was Xavier, we all walked up the school. They all walked with me to the office and I got my schedule and locker number.

I then went to my locker and opened it and began putting a few things in it to make it more well me. I'll have to bring more stuff tomorrow but for now I put in an extra pair of head phones, a box of cigarettes, and some bottles of spray paint.

Just as I went to close my locker a pair of strong, muscular arms wrapped around my waist and the mysterious person breath fanned against the neck as the planted a kiss behind my ear. I slowly closed my locker and I could hear people whispering and out of the corner of my eye I could see some people staring.

I turned around and was meet with a face I thought I would never see again not be held by. It was the one and only Leo but he will never know how I feel about him because to be honest I don't know how I feel about him.

I smirk formed on my lips as I looked at him and tilted my head. " Oh so now you reappear too huh" I only earned a smirk from him. "  sure do babe girl" I swear this boy is gonna be the death of me.

I felt him slowly lean in and softly place a kiss on my lips. I kissed back cause why not and I could hear a lot of whispering now. What is he some sort of hotshot around here or something.

I pulled back and pushed him away and smirked then began walking down the hall way.

~ skip to lunch because we all know school is not exciting well for now ~

I rushed out of my last class before lunch and made my way to my locker. I threw my things into it and slammed it shut as usual turned around and quickly walked,of course making my hips swing as I went, to the cafeteria. I'm sorry but I'm so hungry right now I need to be feed.

I went straight to the line and took a tray and started pulling things on. I grabbed a salad, a water, two slices of double chocolate cake and three chocolate chip cookie. I lastly grabbed an apple and went and sat down at the table where Caleb was already sitting.

Ahh life. We all start talking and one of them point something out. "Yo Luna you got some fans over there. " Tyler pointed out. I turned around to see the one and only Leo......

Staring at me


Cut ok the resin I dint update yesterday was because after I finished writing I got sidetracked like half way and then started doing stuff so ya

So I'm wondering how did YOU find my book

Tell me cause I'm kinda curious

See y'all next time
~ The lovely writer of this story~ Alex

Don't forget to

And all that good stuff

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