Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

I landed and started hunting this guy down. I pushed through the crowd. Where is this guy cause when I find him he's going down. I pushed to his circulate area and stood at the top and watched him.

I will admit he has some moves but ok I really can't say anything. I'm just realizing how this literally just turned into a fucking step up movie. Whatever. some one behind me moved and pushed me into the circle. Oh great now I've got to battle him.

He turned to me and nope can't be him. I think I'm just slightly insane.  He looked at me and his eyes widened then he quickly went back to normal. " so you are challenging me huh" I sigh and put my hands in my pocket while stepping closer.

Someone please tell me why Leo is standing here and about to dance with me. * again insert dramatic sigh*  alright let's do this.

" sure am so let's get this over with " I heard some ohhs and stuff like that and people backed up further. Good they know how I dance. Really the dance became more of a fun thing and you could tell we weren't serious.

Oh throes trampolines are so much fun to use. Damn that was fun to do. After we finished I began walking off but he grabbed my arm and I spun around.

" what the hell are you doing here Luna" he asked confused as I pulled him to the back area. I threw him a water and sipped mine as he sat down and I leaned against the rail.

" my gang owns this place. And I just so happen to be known around and do a lot of dancing here. " I said as I watched people. This is what I have missed while I was in prison. This right here.

" tell me why are you here Leo" I asked as I glanced over my shoulder at him. I could see a smirk on his face. Oh this guy.

" Oh nothing just throughout I would come check out my rivals. " Oh Lord is what.... hahaha no I'm not dealing with this.

" uhh ok well I guess you know who your going up against. " and with that the boys came up and surrounded me. " Yo lu what you up to. We got to work on a new dance I've got some ideas already" Mark said with a smile. Oh no that's means it's gonna probably be illegal and hard for me.

I sigh " if I die its your fault" and with that everyone stated laughing. I looked back to where Leo was and he had disappeared. He seems to be really good with that.



A big thanks to freedomgirl17 for all the votes

I known this isn't the best but I really wanted to give you guys an update so here

Take it and don't hate it please.

Ok ill disappear now.

I sorry


~The lovely writer of this story~ Alex 

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