Chapter 10

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{ see you again }

Chapter 10

Finally today it the day I finally get out. The last day of me getting up in this cell and eating the same foods. I start collecting my stuff and getting ready. I don't leave until around 2 and its probably around 9 or 10 right now.

I walked down to the cafeteria and grabbed a coffee and beef jerky and sat down. I was alone cause the girls and Justin got out already. They all have been visiting and we are planning on meeting up when I'm out.

I really don't mind being alone cause I do still have Leo and stuff. I still haven't let Leo into my pants and this is probably gonna be the last time I see him but oh well.

I took about an hour to eat then went outside. I stretched out ans started doing push ups. I could hear some whistling but I just ignored it.

I did a bunch of workouts then went back to my cell. I knew tonight was gonna be a long night so I took a nap.

After about 2 hours Leo came into my cell and woke me up. I rubbed my eyes and jumped down. " time to leave finally huh." He nodded. I went to go walk out with my bag when he grabbed my wrist and he pulled me back.

He kissed me gently and smirked as he pulled back. He moved to my ear and whispered " I'm gonna miss you " I rolled my eyes " I know you will"

I pulled away with my bag and walked to leave. I made my way to the gates and waited to be cleared. After they were done they opened the door for me and once I was close to the gate it rolled open.

I walked out and heard a guy say to me " don't be to happy you will be back honey" I smirked and turned around to him. " we will see about that cause I won't be caught next time " I smiled innocently and stuck my tongue out.

I turned back around and got tackled " holy shit " I looked and saw it was Kate. " I missed you lu" I laughed and pushed her off me.

" I can see that " I got up and looked around. Wow the entire gang was there and some other people who I know. " Wow you all came to see me damn" I laughed at them and went over to Chris and gave him a hug

" it hasn't been the same without you luna" I smiled and looked at everyone. I saw some new faces. " and we need you to train the new people" I knew that was coming.

" sure thing" I nodded and ever one moved back and my eyes widened. I yelled " my baby!!" I ran over to my motorcycle and hugged it. It was sparkling clean.

I turned around to everyone " thank your everyone it's enough to make me cry. " everyone started laughing.

" well what are we waiting for let's get out of here I've seen enough of the place. " I got on my bike and someone threw something at me and it landed on my head.

I took it off and looked at it. It was a leather MY gang leather jacket. I smirked and slid the jump suit off to about my waist and tied it. It reveal a black tank top and I slid the jacket on. " feels good to be back everyone"

We all left and I was the last to follow. Oh took one last look back at the prison and speed off down the road.

~Leo's POV~

Today was the last day she was here. I left her with a kiss and no goodbye. I'm really gonna miss her tho she will never know how much.

I watched as she looked back at the prison and we made eye contact. She blinked and speed away.

That girl is something else.


That's it

Maybe 2 more updates today maybe

We y'all next time
~ The lovely writer of this story~ Alex

Don't forget to:
And all that stuff

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