Bonus Chapter

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Bonus Chapter my Lovely unicorns

Stepping out of the warm shower I wrapped a towel around my hair and walked to my bed. Holding up my dress I smiled and checked the time. Ok about two hours left.

Putting on my bra and thong I slipped into my dress. Walking to the mirror I grabbed my brush and sat down and began getting out every and all knots.

Humming a song I was surprisingly super happy today and I think I scared some people. Kat slammed my door open with Adam trailing behind. Adam nodded and her and he went to go grab his stuff from down stairs.

Kat glanced at me. " Ok girl your seriously scaring me why the hell are you so happy"

" I turned to her and glared, closing my eyes to that of only slits I rolled my eyes and turned back. " oh I don't know maybe my life is actually Woking out for once. And because I get to spend prom with Leo and Lucia is currently gone. " I said sarcastically to her.

Starting with my makeup I curled my eyelashes and added mascara, blush, eyeshadow, filled in my eyebrows, eyeliner and lipstick. Just when I was doing my eyeshadow Kat squealed causing me to drop my brush.

" what the hell" I turned to her quickly then back to the mirror making sure that my make up was ok.

" sorry nothing " groaning at her I cleaned up my area and turned to her.

" Ok out I need to finish and your distracting me. " huffing she left and went somewhere in my house.


Adding hair spray to my hair I and placing the headpiece into my hair. Looking in the mirror I smiled at myself.

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I would say I did a good job

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I would say I did a good job. Hearing a honk I grabbed my clutch and phone and slipped on some black heals and walked down stairs.

Turning around Leo's jaw literally hit the ground smirking at him I walked down the last step and heard a loud squeal and a gasp. Turning around I was greater by Kat Adam and Chris and a guy named Carter. Kat was going with Chris to prom because the two hit it off and she asked him if he would and of course he couldn't say no and Adam and Carter are going together. They look so cute.

" um lady you looking smoked tonight. " Adam said as he eyes me up and down.

" make sure to knock them dead boo" I nodded and Kat and felt a hand snake around my waist. Turning I kissed Leo gently but passionately and turned.

" let's go everyone" warning a bunch of yells us girls and Adam got in one car and the guys in the another. Leaving the rest of the cars at my house.

Arriving we got out with style. All eyes were on us girl and all the boys wrapped there arms around out waist and as for Adam and Carter well they did the Same. Carter's arm around Adams waist while Adam placed his arm around Carter's shoulder. Again so cute

The night was filled with lots of laughing and dancing along with kissing. Arriving back at  my house we all ran to the back yard and stripped down to our undergarments. Boys in on my their boxers and me and Kat in out bras and panties. Throwing all out stiff on the side we all held hands and jumped into the pool.

Laughing at each other we spent the entire night swimming, splashing, and laughing, along with some intense kissing sessions.

Heading infuse with all our stuff we all event our secret ways. Every one stayed at my house and each pair had their own room.

Welling Leo wrap his arm around my waist I snuggled into his chest. Just before I fell asleep I heard him whisper " I love you Luna "


Ok my lovely unicorns what do you think.

I have a few more bonus chapters maybe.

Sequel could happen still.

Alright don't forget to




And all that good stuff

See y'all next time

~ The lovely writer of this story~ Alex

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