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(Chris' P.O.V.)

I thought it was just a bad dream, but I had really done it; I killed my best friend.

He was my best friend, even though I bullied him and didn't admit that he was during school hours. I don't know why he put up with my shit and just walk away from me. Unfortunately, he persevered long enough to end up dead by my hand.

I held his limp little body in my arms. If I had it my way, I wouldn't have done it, but I had to. I wasn't intentionally trying to bully him, I just wanted to keep him away from me, which kept him away from the real bad guy: Ronnie. He was the one that made me do this to to my poor Ghosty.

"Chris, Chris," He screamed, "Let me go, please!"

Tears ran down my cheeks as I bound his wrists.

"Listen if this is one of your little pranks, it's not funny!" He spat.

I smacked him across the face, "S-Shut up!" I said, trying to sound intimidating but it just came out as a whimper.

"Please, let me go. If you want me to leave you alone, I will. Just let me go home." He begged me.

I grabbed his jaw, forcing him to look at me, "I-I told you to shut up!" I squeaked. I couldn't look at him, I didn't want him to look at me.

I growled, grabbing his jaw tighter before slamming his head down onto the concrete floor.

"S-Stop, you're hurting me." He whimpered from the floor.

I saw his head; there was a gash and a small puddle of blood forming around him.

He looked up at me anticipating what I would do next. "Don't fucking look at me like that." I said as I let out a sob.

"Who's making you to do this," He asked, "I know you don't want to. Just please tell me who it is and I can help you!"

"That's the problem; you always want to help people, now look what's going to happen!" I hissed.

"Just... Do what you have to do." He lay there in defeat, staring blankly.

"It's Ronnie." I stated, dropping to my knees beside him.

He scoffed, "I knew, I always knew."

"I was trying to keep you away from him," I mumbled, "This is going to hurt, but I'll try to make it as fast as possible."

He nodded, not daring to look at me.

I pulled out my knife, "I'm sorry, my Ghost." I said before quickly slashing his throat.

I heard him gasp and start choking, "Shit, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" I said in a panic before rolling him over on his back.

He grabbed at my arms, silently begging me to do something.
"I'm going to try, this is going to hurt a lot more." I said before slamming the knife into his heart. Fortunately he died instantly.

That was when I came to the realization.

Still clasping his body in my arms I called the police. I told them that I found my friend dead.

I was quick to cover up all of the evidence, it was a good thing if they found me like this, that would mean I had "contaminated" any potential evidence.

I still held him close, kissing his forehead as if he was still alive.
"I'm sorry, baby. I'm going to make things right." I said to him.

The police were quick to show up, but they tore me away from Devin and started lifting him onto a geurny.

I bit my fist, trying not to cry again.

"Alright, Mr.?" One of the officers asked.

"Cerullii," I answered.

"You said you found him like this?" He started.

"Y-yeah," I gulped. "I was walking in the woods and decided to go in the abandoned house where we always hung out, and... I found him here."

"Did you know he would be here?" He inquired.

"No, Sir. He really doesn't tell people or at least me where he's going." I explained.

"How close were you two?"

"We've known each other since 7th grade." I stated.

"Okay," The Officer mumbled, "Do you need a ride back home? We don't want whoever is out there to come after you too."

"Yeah," I mumbled.

(Devin's P.O.V.)

I coughed, waking up on the cold floor. What happened to me? Oh, right... Chris stabbed me. So, does that mean I'm dead? There's no chance in Hell I survived any of that. I just wonder why Ronnie made him do this. I figured thAt should probably stop wondering things and get out of here and find out what I have to do next.

I made it home, cars were parked outside and there were people gathered around in the kitchen. I had never had seen everyone so silent and grave like that in my life (no pun intended). Chris was alone in the living room, sitting with his face buried in his hands.

"Why did you do that?" I whispered.

No response.

"Answer me!" I shouted, throwing a punch right at his head, only to find out my first just passed right through him. Right, I'm a literal ghost now.

"You're a dick, you know that," I growled, "I gave you chance after chance even though you bullied me. Fuck you, Cerullii, you murderer."

I guess this is what eternity felt like, seeing everyone pass by you without a care. Thinking that you're dead, but not feeling like you are.

Damn, first chapter my dudes. I felt really bad for Ghost since he's my favorite, but it's all in the plot, it's all in the plot. Btw I don't know how in the fuck to spell Chris' last name. I'm too lazy to look it up and I know, "Then why even use it?!" I don't know, it's my fanfic so sue me. Actually please don't literally do that I'm broke AF. I just used it for "The Office" reference <- see, I give credit.

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