Ghost in the Mirror

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(Chris' P.O.V.)

Nobody knew it was me. That's where the guilt comes in, especially when I saw the look on Devin's mother's face when I had to tell her that he was dead. I wanted him back so badly, but I couldn't erase what I had done. This was Ronnie's fault. Not mine, he was the reason that my best friend in the whole wide world was gone. Why did I do it? Ronnie said he would do it: he would kidnap my ghost and torture him until he was dead. I knew he would, he said it with certainty. And from experience I knew he always kept his word. I did it so Devin didn't have to suffer.

Yeah, I know I could've called the cops if it came to that. But I know Ronnie, they would have never found him if that happened. I wish I had never met either of them, maybe things would've turned out okay: Ronnie wouldn't have targeted him and Devin's mother would still have her baby boy.

I held back another round of tears before getting in the shower.

(Devin's P.O.V.)

There are some perks to being dead, though you can't physically harm the living, well at least I can't (as I recently found out), but you can manipulate them. Mainly just reading their thoughts. I wish Chris would have just told me what Ronnie was planning and I would have ran away from home and taken him with me.

I watched him get in the shower; not in a perverted way of course, but I just needed something to look at while I processed his thoughts. At least now I'm not as pissed at him as I was before.

I sighed and looked in the mirror, my throat still had a gash in it and there was a deep hole in my chest. The mirror started to fog up which gave me an idea.

I started writing on the mirror, "I'm still here, I want my life back. I could've helped you, you know."

At least I could do that, let's see what else I can do. I roughly pulled the shower curtain open making him gasp. I smirked. Damn, he was well endowed.

Oh right, the mirror. He was staring at it with a mix of aw and horror.

"No, Devin. It can't be you, it just can't." He mumbled, tears falling down his cheeks.

"But it is, my dear. " I mumbled to myself.

"Who said that?" He asked, trembling.

At least he can hear me now.

He turned off the water and looked around.

"I'm here, Chris." I mumbled.

"I-I can't see you, where are you?" He whispered before wrapping himself in a towel.

"Aww, I wanted to see you naked." I said mockingly.

"Please, just come out. I need to see you." He begged.

"Why should I," I whispered into his ear, "Murderer?"

"Don't call me that!" He growled, searching the room for me.

"I'm still angry with you, I know you had a reason. But you could have at least told me what he was planning so we could have ran away together!" I shouted.

"I didn't want to scare you." He mumbled.

It took me awhile to figure out how to materialize, but it didn't pacify my anger, "So you decided to kill me?"

"He would have found us even if we did run." He said, turning to look at me.

"Ghost, " He whimpered, dropping to his knees and wrapped his arms around my legs. I missed getting hugs from him, he hadn't hugged me in awhile, but I shook the feeling of that comfort, "Stop," I said kicking him away from me, looks like I can touch people after all... "The only way I'll forgive you is if you make things right. If you don't, remember that I can touch you so that means I can kill you, and when I do you'll be stuck with me for the rest of eternity. And it won't be fun."

"Why can't you just move on?" He mumbled.

"Because I have unfinished business," I stated. "And don't think you can get away with doing nothing because I'll follow you and I'll be watching. You have 12 days to get your shit together. If you don't do it by then, I'll kill you."

"What do I have to do?" He asked.

"Figure it out yourself." I scoffed, starting to disappear.

"Please don't go." He whispered.

"Why should I listen to you?" I stated.

"Because, I had to kill you. There wasn't any other way! I still want you to be my friend." He said, more tears starting to fall down his cheeks.

"Alright, alright I'll stay." My voice softened. I still had a place for him in my heart after all, even though he stabbed it.

I sat on his bed, waiting for him to finish getting dressed. I could hear him occasionally sniffling and whimpering as he pulled on his pajamas.

"Lay with me, please." He sniffled as he crawled onto the bed.

I sighed and leaned back so my head was resting on one of the pillows. He moved to lay beside me with his head on my chest. Huh, I guess I'm learning more things about being a ghost: I actually can touch humans and other things and vise versa. As well as being able to disappear and reappear at will.

I held him close, I still loved him. I loved him for a long time but I never told him. I kissed the top of his head, making him hug me tightly. God he felt so warm, I didn't know how warm people felt until now.

(Chris' P.O.V. )

He was going to kill me, there was no way I knew how to make things right.

He was here though, and that was all that mattered. And if he does kill me, I'll get to be with him for eternity. I know he said that it wasn't going to be fun, but he was my friend; I loved him. Even if he was full of hate for me I would still be there for him dead or alive.

I looked back up at him to make sure he was still there and that this wasn't some sort of crazy dream. Sure enough, he was as real as can be.

"I love you Dev," I whispered before closing my eyes and falling asleep.

Woot, Holy crap I have a lot of views, votes, and comments on Tell Me Your Secrets and I gained a follower.😁😎 Unfortunately, good things can't come without a bad thing happening; I have writer's block. So until I can find a cure I've updated this story. BTW who else is excited for Graveyard Shift? I am. 12 days soilders, 12 days.

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