Day IX: Evidence, IV ⏳

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(Devin's P.O.V.)

I couldn't believe that Chris called me all those things, "A monster," and "Evil," Was that all I was? I just wanted to protect him and make sure Ronnie didn't go near us again.

I was cuddled into Chris's side, much like yesterday. I was trying to get warm, and he was the best heat source for me.

I nuzzled him, trying to wake him up. I highly doubt Chris wanted to go to school today, especially since I put Ronnie in the hospital. So it was a good day to do something fun.

He inhaled and then exhaled a sigh, before stretching and opening his eyes.

He rolled over resting his head on my chest and hugged me tightly, was he not mad at me anymore?

I kissed his forehead, wrapping an arm around his waist. But I didn't want to lay here. I wanted him to get up! I whined and squirmed around in his grasp.

He groaned and turned to face away from me. I huffed and latched my lips onto his neck, roughly sucking on it.

He moaned, "Alright, I'm up." He mumbled sleepily.

"I wanna do something." I complained.

"I can't, I've got to stay home in case the police come back to tell me what they found." I stated.

I gulped, "Like what?"

"Well the number one thing that they're looking for is DNA, so like I don't know.... Jizz?!" He growled.

"So what are they gonna do if they find any?" I asked.

"If they do, they'll exhume your body to make sure your dead, and if that's really you in there, I've got a lot of explaining to do." He mumbled.

"Shit," I whispered.

"Yeah 'Shit's' right." He spat.

"Why are you still mad at me?" I asked.

"Because, I'm the only one you're supposed to fuck!" He shouted.

"Y-You're jealous?" I stuttered.

"Yeah, I guess I am." He huffed.

"That's cute." I stated, running my hand down to grope his crotch.

He slapped my hand away, "But I'm still mad, so don't even think about it."

"Later then," I asked. "Please?"

Yeah, I'll think about it. But I need to think about how to explain how you're dead first, because I know that they're going to find something. I mean, no offense or anything... you cum like a fucking hose." He said.

I smirked, "None taken. Though, I wish I could cum inside of you right now."

"You'll be able to soon enough, but not if I do the same thing to you first." He mumbled before getting up to get dressed.

That day we just stayed home as he wanted, but he couldn't relax; every time he thought he saw a cop car or a shadow near the door he would go, get up, and check.

"Chris, just settle down. I highly doubt they're going to find anything." I said.

"Devin, they will, they always do." He said as he sighed.

"So, what are they going to do if they find something, call Ghost Busters on me?" I asked.

"I don't know what they're going to do," He whispered. "That's the scary part."

"At the most they are probably just going to exhume the body." I said, trying to reassure him.

"And then what? It's going to be your body, Devin. They'll know something isn't right." As if on cue the doorbell rang.

(Chris's P.O.V.)

I exhaled anxiously and got up to answer the door, sure enough it was the cops.

I glared at Ghost before answering the door. "Yes," I asked.

"I know you keep seeing a lot of us, so I'm going to keep this short," The officer started. "We did find some DNA evidence, but we can't confirm that it is your friend's until we can do some tests."

"Alright, thanks have a nice day." I said, trying to be cheerful, but mentally slapping Ghost.

"You too." He said before I closed the door.

I sighed sitting back down, "Well, we're fucked." I stated.

"Don't worry, I'll think of a plan." Ghost said.

"Yeah, whatever." I mumbled.

He sighed, "Time's running out."

"Did you say something?" I asked.

He shook his head, "No, why?"

"I swear you said something." I said.

"I don't know what you're talking about." He answered.

"Ghost, this is serious. It's no time to fuck around." I stated.

"I didn't say anything!" He remarked.

"Okay, alright. Maybe I'm going crazy or something." I mumbled.

A/N: I'm gonna cut it off here. I finally got to hear "Rats" by the way who do you think said "Time's running out"?

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