Night VI: Passion

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A/N: This is mon cadeau to all of you since the earlier chapter was short. This is basically just going to be porn so... yeah. Your welcome🕵😗

(Chris's P.O.V.)

"Why won't you just let me love you?" Ghost asked as we wrestled around, half clothed in bed.

"I am letting you love me," I said, pinning him down and straddling him. "I'm just not letting you get your way."

"Hmph, I could have my way with you easily." He mumbled.

"Yeah, what are you going to do, possess me?" I asked, nibbling on his ear.

He groaned, pulling at my hair, he moved my head so my face was in front of his. "What, do you want to kiss?" I asked.

He nodded eagerly and pressed his lips against mine. I kissed back, nipping at his bottom lip, "Sorry Ghost, but I'm going to be the dominant one tonight. Now, open up."

He whimpered but obliged, opening his mouth so I could snake my tongue in. I felt him kiss back with more aggression, trailing his hand down to rest in between my legs. He squeezed, making me moan into the kiss.

He pulled away, allowing me to catch my breath, but it was rather difficult because he kept rubbing me through my underwear. I groaned and grinded my hips into his hand.

"What do you want, Chris?" He asked.

"I wanna be inside of you." I whispered huskily.

"Mmm, I thought you would never ask," He purred, slipping out of his underwear.

"So big." I mumbled, giving his cock a light stroke.

"I bet you're bigger." He said, snapping the hem of my boxers with a finger.

"Suck," I said, shoving my fingers into his mouth. I moaned as he swirled his tongue around them, sucking hard. If he could do this, I wonder what it would feel like if he gave me head? I could never ask him though, I was too shy.

I pulled my fingers from his mouth before lifting his lower half into my lap and spreading his legs, his cock standing shamelessly in the air.

I prodded his entrance, he hissed as I slowly pushed my fingers in, feeling his walls stretch.

"It's okay," I reassured him before taking his cock and pumping it to distract him from the pain.

I was curious, I had never been inside another man before; everything felt so smooth, like silk. Well, at least on him it did. I didn't know if it was because he was a ghost or because he had so many feminine qualities.

I knew he was ready when he kept trying to fuck himself with my fingers. I chuckled, "Take it easy, cowboy."

He whined as I removed my fingers, "What, don't you want something better?" I asked.

"Oh God, yes please!" He moaned.

I pulled my underwear down, letting my cock spring free. I took it in my hand and guided the tip to his entrance.

He whimpered, wiggling his hips to try to get me inside him quicker.
I pushed in slowly while looking down at him, only to see his eyes flutter shut in pleasure.

I buried my face into his neck once I was fully inside; I started thrusting slowly in and out. He let out soft whimpers and sobs as I bit down on his neck, surely leaving a mark. I felt him reach around and dig his nails into my shoulder blades as I inched myself further into his heat.

"Oh, C-Chris!" He whined as I toyed with his aching cock, tugging at it as I pulled nearly all the way out and slamming back in.

I looked down, precum was already pooling around his slit, he whimpered

"Poor baby," I whispered. "Looks like I'm gonna have to hurry up."

I stopped teasing him and started fucking him properly once I knew I found his prostate. Afterwards I aimed every thrust there.

He let out small gasps and then a cry as I fucked him without any mercy. I looked at him in the eyes as I started getting close. I saw tears running down his cheeks, "Ghosty, don't cry." I whispered.

"I can't help it, I love you and it feels so good." He gasped as my thrusts started getting shorter and jerky.

"God, I'm so close--oh, fuck!" He screamed as he came onto our stomachs.

I held him close as I finished and came inside him. I pulled out and laid beside him, catching my breath.

"Cuddle me?" He asked tiredly.

I moved to rest my head on his chest while wrapping my arms around him. I heard him contently hum before pulling me back on top of him. I closed my eyes and I cuddled with him and played with his hair until we both fell asleep.

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