Day IV: Suspension Part II

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A/N: So if anyone is wondering when I will update "Tell Me Your Secrets" I will like... Maybe a day after Graveyard Shift is out, because I'm focused on finishing this one first. Or when I'm cured of writers block, whichever comes first, because unfortunately, I have my own Graveyard Shift to work. Anyways, enjoy \《¤▪¤》/

(Chris's P.O.V.)

My parents left for work early so they wouldn't know something was up if they noticed I was home still.  I didn't want to stay home today though, I was in the mood to just do something. Like every morning before Ghost wasn't present. Usually, after I woke up for awhile he would be here, but I've already been up for five minutes and I didn't know where he was.

I brushed the feeling of loneliness off and decided it would be find if I was alone today. Maybe I could just go and hang out at the skatepark or something and wait and see if he shows himself.

(Devin's P.O.V.)

I stood looking at my own grave, why would so many people care about me? For my whole life I thought I didn't matter and I was just another face in the crowd. I guess you don't realize what you had until you die. I never knew I was loved. I mean, yeah my parents loved me, I just didn't know others loved me too. And Chris was so scared about Ronnie making me suffer he brought it on himself to kill me. I know this sounds weird, but he killed me because he cared and that he didn't want me to live out the rest of my days in misery.

But death, misery, and eternity don't mix well. I'll have to sit here and watch for I don't know how long... maybe until time ceases to exist. Then again, I didn't see any other ghosts here or at least anyone who looked like one. Maybe there is something more than just being dead and stuck. Even though I would give anything and everything to live again.

Suddenly, I felt a searing pain shoot through my heart, similar to the feeling when Chris stabbed me. This was all very strange since I was dead, but it soon got so bad to the point I collapsed. Something was wrong, very wrong.

"C-Chris." I whimpered clutching my chest.

I had to find him, I think something happened to him. I stumbled around trying to see if he was here or at least close by.

(Chris's P.O.V.)

I hissed in pain as I felt Ronnie's fist collide with my nose. He was fucking waiting for me, the little shit defied the school's orders and skipped class!

I didn't want to fight back, I couldn't risk getting into more trouble. "What do you want with me, Ronnie?" I mumbled, disoriented.

"That's for getting me two weeks of ISS." He stated.

"And this is for missing that stupid little faggot!" He growled before kicking me in the back and knocking me on the ground.

"Now, how about I smash that pretty little head of yours in?" He whispered while pressing down on the back of my head with his shoe.

Suddenly, I felt the pressure on my head quickly lift. I looked up from my place on the ground and saw Ghost on top of Ronnie, "Leave him alone!" He growled.

As soon as he said that, the sky darkened and the wind started to pick up. Was he causing all of this?

I slowly sat up and realized that Ronnie could see him because he had the expression of utter terror.

"Are you afraid?!" Ghost spat as he wrapped his hands around his throat.

"Devin, that's enough!" I shouted, running up to him. But before I could touch him some kind of force knocked me backwards.

"Stay away, Chris." He said rather calmly, but his voice sounded off. Like he was demonic.

"L-Let me go!" Ronnie gasped.

"Why should I?" He asked.

"Please!" He begged.

"I'm going to kill you." Devin stated, squeezing tighter.

"Stop, Devin!" I screamed, the wind now howling.

"You didn't stop when I wanted you to!" He remarked.

"Snap out of it, Devin. Please, I love you." I whimpered.

"Scum," He grumbled before grabbing Ronnie by the hair and slamming his head into the concrete.

Everything started to calm down after that, "He's still alive," He stated. "Now go home, Chris." Then, he disappeared.

I looked at Ronnie after I stood up. It looked like he cracked his head open, but he definitely was alive.

I sighed and started walking home wondering what happened to my sweet Ghost.

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