Night X: Grave Digger, III⏳

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A/N: Yes I purposely skipped a day in the story because it would just end up a filler, so I decided to get the wheels rolling. I'll give a brief anecdote on what was too short to be a full chapter.

(Day X-Chris's P.O.V.)

Devin and I both knew we were fucked, we had to come up with a game plan and fast. We spent the whole afternoon coming up with scenarios and plans, but none of them were logical or wouldn't work. It was nearing night fall when Devin came up with probably the most stupid thing that I will ever do for a friend.

(Night X-Chris's P.O.V.)

"Ghost, that's insane! I'm not going to help you dig up your own body and hide it!" I yelled.

"Well, what do you suggest we do, Christopher!" He growled.

"I don't know!" I exclaimed.

"Then get your shovel, we're going to the cemetery." He stated.

"We'll get caught." I replied.

"You, you'll get caught." He corrected while searching the garage for shovels.

"I better get something in return for this." I mumbled, folding my arms.

"I'll blow you," He said as he handed me a shovel. "Now, let's get a move on."

"Fine," I said while sighing.

As we walked I took the time to finally notice that everything was creepier at night, especially when it's a cemetery.

"They have CCTV." I mumbled.

"I'll take care of that, just go." He said as he motioned toward the gate.

I sighed and eased my shovel through the bars and started to climb. I gulped, realising how high up I was before jumping down to the other side.

"Take mine too," He said, passing me his shovel through the bars.

I huffed, holding both as he passed through the bars, "This is idiotic." I grumbled.

"Like I said, got a better idea?" He asked.

"No," I said while sighing.

"I took care of the cameras," He stated as we walked towards his grave.

"I'm just worried on how we are going to get this over with before the crack of dawn." I said before plunging my shovel into the dirt.

"Hey, at least I'm not making you do this alone," He said. "Besides helping someone hide a body means we're best friends.

"I don't know what level of friendship we're on when one friend is helping the other hide their own body." I stated.

"Oh yeah, I forgot we were boyfriends. That's the level of friendship we're on." He said, quickly starting to dig up dirt.

"Yeah and make no mistake, you're still going to give me a blow job after this." I said as piles of dirt started to accumulate around us.

After what seemed like a good half hour we finally hit something, "How do we get you out?" I asked.

"I don't know, help me find a latch or something." He said as we both felt around the casket. He must have found something because the coffin lid sprang up and nearly hit me in the face.

"Nice going, Ghost." I mumbled.

"Whatever, you get the arms and I'll get the legs." He said.

"God, why do you smell so bad?" I gasped as I grabbed onto his arms.

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