Day VIII: Revenge is Punishment

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A/N: ☝️☝️I love how Ghost is like, "But that's none of my business." Btw wtf do they mean by "tomorrow" well, y'all will know, but for me im writing this today: 4/29 so my future self will know soon. Oh well, that's none of my business.

(Chris's P.O.V.)

I groaned, someone was shaking me awake."What," I said, opening one eye.

"Chris, the police are at our door asking about you." Mom said.

"What happened?" I mumbled.

"It's about one of your friends, Ronnie." She said.

"God, every second something's up with him." I said while stretching.

"I'll be right down." I added.

I quickly threw on a pair of pants and rushed downstairs.

"Yes," I asked the group of officers standing in the living room.

One of them sighed and spoke up, "I know we had an officer come here before because of Ronnie, this is the second time. Do you know what happened yesterday?"

A/N: You pull the trigger just for fun. Just to be safe y'all.

"What happened yesterday? I mean, I remember him confronting  at the abandoned house with a metal pipe, but before he could do anything I went home." I explained.

"He claims that after you left, your dead friend tortured and raped him." Another officer said.

I was shocked, he what? There was no way in hell my ghost would do that.

"What," I asked, "Devin's dead, how could he do a thing like that?"

"I don't know, but we're going to have to do an investigation and do some DNA testing and possibly exume the body to make sure he really is dead." She said.

Oh fuck, "W-What if he's alive?" I asked.

"Then his family and friends are going to be very happy, but he is going to be in a lot of trouble." She stated.

"C-Can I just ask what all did he do to him?" I stuttered.

"Like I said he raped him, but unfortunately he's going to need a phallus reconstruction and a whole lot of stitches in unsavory places." She said.

My eyes widened, "Oh my God," I whispered, burying my face into my hands. What the fuck did you do, Ghost?

"Are you sure you are in no way related to this?" One other officer asked.

"No, why would I be?" I inquired.

"It's because he said that you saw him too." He said.

"No, I haven't seen Devin since the funeral." I lied.

"Alright, clearly nobody knows what or who did this, I think we've got the information we need." She said.

"Okay, I'm just going to go back to bed. I'm really tired." I stated before rushing upstairs. I slammed the door shut, groaning as I fell onto the bed.

"Chris," Ghost mumbled. He fell beside me then moved to cuddle into my side.

"Get away from me, Ghost. You're evil." I said while sitting up.

He looked up at me with innocent brown eyes, "Evil?" He asked.

"Yes, you're a fucking monster. He needs a reconstructed phallus! What the fuck, Ghost!" I yelled.

"Monster," He repeated, whimpering.

"You raped him, why the fuck would you do that?!" I growled.

He only stared at me with tears in his eyes.

"Listen, if you're going to do shit like that, I'm breaking up with you." I said while sighing.

"No!" He screamed, lunging for me and knocking me on my back.

He gripped my throat, pinning me down to the bed. "You will not break up with me," He spat. "Then again, it almost seems like you care for that scumbag; yeah, I know you fucked him."

"Please let go of me." I whimpered.

"Shut the fuck up," He growled, slapping me across the face.

I let out a sob. "Listen to me and  listen good," He hissed. "I did all of that for me, but more importantly for you. I avenged us, got it?"

I nodded violently. "Are you going to be a good boy and not cry when I let you go?" He asked.

I nodded again before he finally released me. I rolled onto my stomach and started to cry into my pillow.

"Why are you crying," He asked. "I told you not to cry." He moved to lay on top of me, wrapping his arms around me.

My sobs gradually turned into soft moans as he kissed my neck and whispered words of love into my ear.

A/N: Short I know, but seriously Wtf is up with rats?

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