Day II: Accusations

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(Chris' P.O.V.)

Today was my first day back at school since Devin died. Without him physically here I felt like a part of me was missing, especially when the teacher skipped over his name on the roster. I swear I saw Ronnie smirk when she skipped over him. It was okay though, because I took pride in seeing his bruised jaw.

I'm still going to beat that mother fucker after this though.

"Chris, you're going to get yourself in trouble!" Ghost hissed as if he read my thoughts.

"Shut up, I don't care. Besides, you're the one that wanted me to make things right." I whispered under my breath.

"That isn't making things right, you're just giving him satisfaction." He stated.

"Shut your fucking mouth, I know what I'm doing. You don't." I grumbled.

"Mr. Cerullii, is there something you would like to share with the class?" Mrs. Alexander asked.

"No," I answered softly.

"Then please keep your thoughts to yourself." She said.

"See what you made me do, idiot?" I growled when she started teaching again.

"May I remind you I can and will kill you. Don't make me shorten your time to a day." He stated.

I huffed and rested my head on my desk, waiting for class to end.

Once it did, I was after Ronnie like a bat out of hell. I slammed him up against the lockers once we were out of sight of any teachers.

"Was this why you wanted to hurt him? Because he was a queer and that he liked me?!" I growled slamming his head into the lockers.

"Yeah," He said. "I wanted to hurt that little faggot so bad, but I didn't have to. You did it for me!" He cackled before punching me in the face.

I groaned clutching my hand over my eye.

"It was all part of the plan," He started, "Do you really think I would kill him and risk getting caught by the cops? It was all a façade to get you to do the dirty work and get rid of him yourself!"

There was a crowd of people surrounding us now, "You son of a bitch!" I spat while slamming him to the ground before resting my boot on his head, pushing his face into the floor.

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't stomp your fucking face in until your brains leak out of your ears!" I screamed before spitting at him.

(Devin's P.O.V.)

I lost Chris, he was too fast and I didn't have enough energy to keep up with him.

I think I may have found him when I saw a small circle of people and heard yelling. I tried my best to make myself able to pass through the crowd without anyone sensing my presence.

I saw Chris standing over Ronnie with his boot pressed against his head.

"Chris, what the fuck are you doing?!" I shouted at him, but he didn't hear me or he refused to acknowledge me.

"Stop it, or you really are going to get yourself in trouble!" I said while trying to pry him away, but he was too strong or I was too weak.

"Radke, Cerullii, my office now!" A voice boomed.

"See what I mean?" I mumbled, I doubt he heard me though.

I followed them to the office and stood silently behind Chris, mentally scolding him.

"Why were you two fighting?" The Principle asked.

"Well, we both just lost a friend and Chris was feeling kind of low, so I went to talk to him and... poof, he just started attacking me." He said.

"That's not true," Chris started. "Ronnie always picked on Devin and at his funeral he called him a queer. I was confronting him about that."

"Alright, alright," The Principle said,
"We all know that Devin was a good kid-"

Damn right I was, I had straight A's and maybe a couple of B's.

"And..." He continued, "Openly gay. I think that we can all understand why that would make Chris angry. Especially after a tragic event such as this. But the more important fact is who started it?"

"H-" Ronnie started but Chris cut him off, "Shut your mouth, Ronnie. He started it by calling him a queer, but I slammed him against the lockers. He threw the first punch."

"Alright it's been decided. Chris: three day suspension, and Ronnie: two weeks of ISS." He stated.

"What," Ronnie gasped, "That's completely unfair!"

"Oh please," The Principle said, "Does it look like I was born yesterday? I think the whole school knows that you're a shit starter, Radke. Plus I think Chris could use little break to get past a few of the many stages of greif."

I forgot how much I loved this principle.

"So, Chris. Your punishment starts tomorrow, and yours starts today, Ronnie." He said.

"Fuck this!" Ronnie growled before storming out.

"And don't even think about skipping school for two weeks, because you're just going to have to make it up later!" He called after him.

"Thanks," Chris said sincerely.

"It was nothing," He said. "Just take it easy and put some ice on your eye.

"I will," He stated before walking out the office door.

"You got lucky." I said as I walked along side him.

"Are you happy now," He asked, "I made things right, so go to heaven or hell or something."

"Chris, I don't think it works like that. And beating the living shit out of a douchebag isn't necessarily making things right." I stated.

"Well, what do you want me to do?!" He grumbled.

"I can't tell you what you can and can't do. Just fix this!" I hissed.

"I'm not God, I can't bring people back from the dead, Devin!" He said in a raised voice.

"Well you sure can take lives away." I whispered.

"You know what? Fuck you." He spat, storming out the front door.

I don't think he knows he can't get away from me, but I'll let him believe that he can for now.

A/N: So I did some calculations and I think I might have mislead people as to when this book will end/when Graveyard Shift is out. So I might have to add another chapter/day. So it might be a bitter sweet moment because the book won't end as fast but there's more wait time for the album. Whoops.° ~ ° P.S. my dog just farted and it smells like sulphur and literal hell. If you don't know what sulphur smells like, it's like rotten eggs.

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