Day VII: Confrontation

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(Chris's P.O.V.)

I walked to school the next day holding hands with Devin. I felt special because I was basically the only one that can see him (not counting that one incident) so no one could take him from me. I know it sounds psycho, but I think he likes it this way too.

He kissed my cheek, "I love you, my baby."

"I love you too." I said kissing him back while trying not to look weird to outsiders.

"I don't wanna go today!" I whined.

"Then don't, just ditch." He stated.

"Okay, then what did you want to do?" I asked.

"Go to the cemetery?" He suggested, slightly pouting."

I sighed, "Alright."

"Thank you, baby." He said as we started to walk in the opposite direction of the school.

Devin got excited as we reached the gates of the cemetery. "I want to see if anyone left anything else for me." He said.

"Let's go then." I said before he tugged me along the dirt trail.

We reached his grave and we both plopped down on the grass, "They replaced the balloons," I said.

"Yeah, people must have really cared." He stated, bopping one of them with his hand.

"Devin, everyone cared about you. They still do, they love you." I said.

"Yeah, and what about Ronnie?" He mumbled.

"Don't worry about that asshole," I said. "All that matters is that I care about you."

"Kiss?" He asked.

I nodded and pecked his lips before pulling him into my lap. I rested my chin on his shoulder and sat with him, watching clouds roll by.

We stayed for awhile, just talking about random things before it got boring and we decided to leave. I wanted to just walk around for the rest of the day and stay out of trouble. I think Ghost wanted that too.

We walked to our old meeting place; an old Victorian house at what seemed to he the middle of nowhere: the outside black with white trim. I lightly pushed open the old door, letting Ghost go in first. He paused, the air around me getting oddly cold.

"What's wrong?" I whispered.

"Stay here," He grumbled.

"Ghost, if something's wrong I'm not letting you go in there alone." I stated.

He turned to face me, "You're alive and I'm dead, who do you think is more valuable in this situation?"

I already knew the answer, but refused to accept it. I just knew it would make him happy if I stayed here, "Just be careful." I said.

I watched as he walked inside, looking around suspiciously. "Follow me, but be quiet." He whispered.

I nodded and followed him in, I stayed close to him as possible as we walked around the living room. "These stairs are creaky, be sure to step where there's less stress." He stated.

I followed him upstairs, making sure not to walk on the middle of the steps. "It's too quiet here, something's wrong." He said quietly aloud.

"I know," I whispered as we made it up the stairs after what had seemed to be an agonizing long amount of time.

I nervously took his hand in mine and followed him into the upstairs room.

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