Night II: Forgiveness

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(Chris' P.O.V.)

I stomped up the stairs, slammed the door shut to my room, and face planted on my bed.

I didn't care if he was dead or not. He pissed me off. I sighed, it seems like no matter how hard I try I still can't do enough good.

I felt one side of the bed dip down. "What," I mumbled, automatically knowing who it was.

"I'm sorry for saying that." He whispered.

"Whatever." I said before rolling over to face away from him.

"I just wish I wasn't dead, Chris." He said while sighing.

"If I would've called Ronnie's bluff, things would've been okay." I mumbled.

"It's too late to think about all of that now." He stated.

"I know, it's just that... He said he was gonna torture you, kill you, and if I tried to call the cops he said he would kidnap you. That if we tried to run and hide he would find us. So I did it, so you didn't have to suffer." I whispered.

"Why am I blaming you for this," He asked, "Ronnie was the one who tricked you."

"I don't know." I said.

"Come here," He said, pulling me so I was in his lap.

I leaned back so my head was resting against his chest and so that my legs were sprawled out in front of me.

He started to play with my hair, like he did when he was alive. "I have to come clean." I stated.

"No, if you do, they'll lock you up for life or worse; put you on death row." He said before kissing my forehead.

"Then what do I do?" I asked.

"Are the cops still investigating my death?" He inquired, leaning down to kiss my forehead again.

"I don't know, maybe." I stated.

"Then find something against Ronnie and have him arrested for accessory to murder or some shit like that." He said.

I sighed, pulling his head close so I could kiss him, "How do I do that?"

"We'll think of something." He answered before laying down, taking me with him.

A/N: And The Lord said, "Let there be smut!"

I rolled over so I was facing him. I kissed his neck, avoiding the gash and leaving a love bite.

He moaned, I guess even though he's dead he can still feel.

"I want you," I whispered.

"I want you too." He said, nipping at my ear.

He could probably feel my hard on pressing against his thigh.

"I never knew you liked me, though." He said before groping my ass.

"I always have, I just never had a way with words." He stated.

"Me either, so I'll just not sugar coat it;  I'm dead, you're alive. So do you want to find out what it's like to fuck with a ghost?" He asked.

"Hell yeah." I answered.

"I like that answer," He purred.

I nuzzled him before straddling his waist and pulling my shirt off.

"Gonna put on a show for me?" He asked.

I shook my head, "I don't like to show off."

(Devin's P.O.V.)

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