Day I: Funeral

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(Chris P.O.V. )

When I woke up Devin was gone, I sat up seeing dress clothes laying folded at the foot of my bed. That must mean his funeral is today.

That was quick, usually it would take a few weeks until a funeral happened. His parents probably didn't bother to request an autopsy, which I found strange.

But was he still around? Maybe last night was all a hallucination brought on by the stress of guilt.

"Devin," I said aloud.

Nothing, just silence. I sighed in disappointment and started getting dressed. Once I was finished, I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked...  empty, more or less dead or dying. He was dead and it made me feel hollow.

"You're going to be late." An all too familiar voice said.

I turned, wrapping my arms around Ghost in a hug. "I-I thought you weren't real." I whimpered.

"I'm still beyond pissed at you." He mumbled, but hugged me back anyways.

I didn't want to let go of him, but I had to, otherwise I would be late. "Please don't go." I whispered before finally releasing him from my embrace.

I felt stiff as I walked down the stairs into the kitchen. I found my parents standing in the kitchen, already dressed. "Chris, I didn't think you were going." Dad said, referring to the funeral.

"Well, he was my friend, I want to see him one last time." I stated.

"Alright, you're right." He said.

(Devin's P.O.V.)

I didn't know if I should consider the fact of him going to my funeral as step one of setting things right.

It's probably going to make things harder than than they are already.

I had to admit, it was trippy seeing your own body laying in a coffin. They did a good job making me look like I was alive. You know what they say, "Make-up can do wonders."

I watched as Chris shakily approached the coffin, gently running his hand over my body's hand and kissing its forehead.

I heard him audibly sob and walk back to sit on one of the benches, he had his head in his hands as his breathing became uneven.

I sighed, this was just going to make me depressed. I sat beside him and rubbed his back.

Suddenly, I saw another hand touch his back: Ronnie.

"Sorry for your loss." He said in a smug tone.

I growled, who in the right mind would invite this cunt to my funeral?!

"F-Fuck off, Ronnie." Chris whimpered.

"Woah, woah. This is a holy place, you shouldn't cuss." He said.

"Yeah, like you would care." Chris spat.

"It seems to me like you cared about that queer." He stated.

Chris started to visibly shake and let out an uneven sigh. He stood up with his fists clenched and his head lowered, he unexpectedly grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. "Listen here, you little shit! Because of you, my best friend is dead, dead! You killed him!" He screamed.

Everybody turned their attention from my corpse to them. My eyes widened as Chris punched him hard in the jaw.

"Cerullii, get over here, now!" I heard his dad shout as he came storming up behind him and grabbed him by his tie.

"Get outside!" He spat at him as he drug him down the aisle and out the door. I followed ensuite.

"What the hell was that, Chris! Did you forget that you were at a funeral? Your friend's funeral for God's sake! Why did you punch him?" He asked.

"H-He called Devin a queer." He started to cry again.

"Oh," He mumbled, "I'll tell everyone what happened. You can come back inside once you're composed."

Chris moved to sit on the steps, still full on crying.

"Christ," I mumbled, moving to sit next to him again.

"I-I'm sorry." He squeaked.

"Come here," I said, pulling him into my arms.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" He whined.

"Shhh," I whispered, rocking him slightly.

Ever since I died he's been a nervous wreck, I wouldn't blame him if I killed someone either.

A/N: Okay here's the plan; the number of days this story has left to be completed correlates with the number of days left until Graveyard Shift comes out. So a chapter will have to be uploaded each day, if not I'll have to double upload, much like I did today. Hopefully I didn't  bite off more than I can chew just now. 12 more days until Ghost does away with Chris, 12 more days until this story ends, and 12 more days until Graveyard Shift. 💀☠📿⏳🎃🕯⚰🗝 Stay freaky.

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