Chapter 1

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Two light pink line started to appear on the pregnancy test, the hand holding said test started slowly shaking whilst the other went to the person's mouth. He was pregnant, Light Yagami was pregnant with L's child or children. Misa had been corrected when she finally confided in him when L and the other task force members had left to capture Higuchi, Misa was left behind because she was not allowed to be put in danger and L had asked Light whether he would like to come but the honour student refused due to constantly throwing up in the mornings for the last two weeks.

Misa had questioned L and Light's relationship and the boy did not want to lie to her anymore, so he confessed that there were a few moments during the time they were handcuffed together that they had been having sexual intercourse but more as a de-stress than anything else. Misa informed Light that she had a suspicion and was not mad at Light for following his heart even though it was not the answer that she would have preferred.

Light then confided in Misa about the sickness, that he was throwing up in the morning but was perfectly fine for the rest of the day. Misa had an idea but it was impossible for men, so when she was released from her twenty-four-hour confinement the first thing she did was go to the closest shop which would sell pregnancy tests, after quickly picking one up and paying for it, Misa sent a quick text to Light about how she might have figured a way to find out what was wrong with Light, this was three days ago.

Light walked out of Misa's bathroom before handing her the test then collapsed on her couch.

"I was right," Misa said whilst studying the test.

"What am I supposed to do, how can I raise a child or tell L about it?" Light said the calmness which was normally composed the teen's face was gone left with distressed and sacredness.

"Listen Light this might be confusing and impossible all at the same time but somehow you are pregnant and you need to calm down so you can focus, when I was young just before my parents died they had a holiday home in Shaldon Devan over in the United Kingdom, I have enough money to get us over there" Misa said looking over at the pregnant teen.

"That would be appreciated Misa, what am I going to tell my family" Light said.

"Maybe you should not, I mean think about it there would be no reason that they would allow you to give up becoming a detective, so using alias we can go to England and then using different alias get a place there, we can always leave tomorrow or if they have any planes today we can still go" Misa suggested.

"Yeah, that is the only way" Light muttered before saying. "Book a return flight to Shaldon's nearest airport, I will pop home quickly no one will be there now to grab some clothes before meeting you back here in an hour" Light informed Misa before grabbing his house keys which lay on the table near the door.

"I will be careful" Misa shouted after him. Misa grabbed her personal laptop which was hidden under a floorboard under her bed before pulling up Osaka International Airport then selected two adults return tickets to Exeter Airport for Miss Yui Sato and Mr Kaito Suzuki. Light had to grab a bus to his house which only took 30 minutes, once he was off at his stop Light ran to his house and opened his door, like he thought the house was empty, Light climbed the stairs to his room then grabbed a rucksack from his closet before carefully putting his clothes into the bag with any other personal items. Once he was done Light placed his bag on his shoulders before leaving his childhood home for the last time. He got the next bus back to Misa where he found her waiting which her suitcase in one hand, the passports and ticket confirmation in the other.

"The plane leaves in two hours, the coach over there will take at least 50 minutes so we should go" Misa said before shutting her front door then locking it. They walked in silence to the closet coach depo where they had to wait for the coach which would take them straight to the airport. The coach arrived on time and the two climbed on taking their designated seats which were near the back. Misa stayed quite for the whole 50 minutes because she was aware that Light need the space to thing about the pregnancy not every young male teen is informed that the love affair they had with the world's greatest detective would result in a child.

When the coach arrived at the airport Misa when to reception to trade the receipt for the tickets before taking a seat in the waiting area with Light, the two had left their phones at Misa's to prevent Light's father coming after them. The hour went by quite fast, Light had decided to open up to Misa to try to get to know her and her to know the real Light, to both their surprise that they had a couple of bands and movies in common.

Misa linked her arm with Light's when their plane number was called, lucky for Light when Misa was sorting there passport out she has used the picture of one of her disguise to prevent anyone recognising that she was Misa Amane. As they took their seats on the plan Light began to relax, this was his life now Misa and his child and Light was going to be damned if he was going to let either L or his father hurting them.

~9 Months Later~

Light was lying in a hospital operation theatre, Misa was holding his right hand whilst peering over to see whether they had brought his triplets into the world but the sight of blood caused her to look away.

"You sure that you wanted to be in here" Light said trying not to focus on the numbness of his abdomen.

"I'm sure" Misa replied even though her face said otherwise, it did not talk long before a wail broke the silence. Light let out a breath that he had not realised that he was holding in, it was not long until two more screams were lead out informing Misa and Light that the other two children had been born. Light wanted to reach out to take hold of his children but was unable to because of the colossal grip which belonged to Misa Amane.

"Are they okay?" Light questioned looking over at Misa, his eyes were getting heavy.

"Yeah" Misa replied looking over at the three babies which the doctors were checking over.

"Congratulations, you have one boy and two girls have you thought of any names?" The doctor informed Light and Misa.

"The girls are Mika Angel and Alexa Takako; the boy is Nate Katsu" Light said sleepily.

'I will protect these children with my life' was the last thing Light thought before he fell into a dreamless sleep.

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