Chapter 8

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Light and L were sat round a table trying to plan what their next move was going to be. They wanted to pursue the case further but it was a difficult game and they just had to wait. Both were getting slightly frustrated with the lack of evidence and clues.

Near, Mika and Alex walked in the room. "Hey mum, how's it going?" Alex asked curious to see if they'd gathered any more evidence, she desperately wanted to know if Near's theory was right because then they could plan ahead of the killer and set a trap.

It was Saturday so the kids weren't at school and busily occupied the room. L could zone out the noise quite easily but Light, however, found them very distracting. He knew they only wanted to have fun but the case was also important.

"Do you think you three can go out somewhere? Have some fun?" Light suggested while glancing at L, the three kids looked up. Near shrugged and Mika replied yes happily meanwhile Alex displayed no acknowledgement. 

"Why don't you go to the park by here?" L said trying to help Light out.

"Yea, let's go to the park guys it's really nice weather," Mika said. Near was kind of convinced since he thought about bringing some of his toys Alexa, however, wanted to stay inside but ultimately half an hour later all three were sat on swings at the park.

"Oh look, It's Mei and Sayaka" Mika pointed out as the two girls headed towards the three bored figures with smiles plastering their faces.

"Hey" Mei said taking a seat on the swing next to Alexa, Sayaka stood awkwardly and began to go on her phone.

Mika and Mei started talking, Mika tried to include Near into the conversation as Alex wasn't talking to him. He hesitantly started talking only to be interrupted by Sayaka.

"Katsu and Ryunosuke are coming to join us" she announced and then continued staring back at her phone.

"Oh there they are" Mei pointed to the two approaching boys, Katsu and Ryunosuke gave a wave over to the girls. Alexa quietly growled at the approaching boys she couldn't be asked to deal with any more people, especially annoying ones.

Alex glanced over at Near who didn't seem as irritated as her. He was talking to Mika and Mei more comfortably now as Sayaka had stayed quiet.

"Hey!" both boys said as they reached the group still situated by the swings. Everyone said hi back apart from Alex, she felt something wasn't right, someone here was up to something. She had no evidence yet but she couldn't shake the icy feeling lodged in her body.

The others had collectively decided to get ice cream so Alex trailed along behind sulkily. Near was talking to Katsu about video games and toys, they also fangirled about Pokémon.

Mei walked beside Alex. "Hey" she said shyly "I listened to some of that band, Dreamcatcher, they're really good. Uh, What other bands do you like?"

Alexa reluctantly lifted her head "A few" she said quietly

"Like?" Mei asked, motioning with her hands for Alex to name some.

"Uh, well Dreamcatcher, BTS, All Time Low, Twice, uh, An Café, Pierce the veil...." Alex took a pause to think "and Sleeping with Sirens mainly".

"Oh cool" Mei smiled "I love BTS and Twice".

"You should listen to All Time Low" Alex said

"I'll give them a listen later" Mei said, happy she'd got to have a proper conversation with Alexa.

Meanwhile, Sayaka had joined in with Near and Katsu's conversation leaving Mika and Ryunosuke to talk. Ryunosuke didn't mind this at all, he was intrigued by the new girl and looked at her fondly. This morning he didn't want to leave his house, preferring to stay inside and write lyrics but he was glad Katsu had dragged him out of bed.

He bit his lip, racking his brain trying to think of a smooth way to compliment Mika, he chuckled to himself silently thinking how stupid he was.

"You look pretty this morning" he said, a small blush appeared on his pale cheeks.

"Thanks, you don't look so bad yourself" Mika replied looking in the opposite direction to the boy she was communicating with as her cheeks were also pink.

"I think everyone looks the same as they did yesterday" Alex said butting in and motioning for Near to move in between the two.

The atmosphere became unbearable, Sayaka stepped forward "Let's go shopping! Everyone loves shopping, C'mon let's go" she dragged Mei forward, Katsu seemed to like the idea.

Mika looked back to Alex and Near who's faces had dropped, they both hated shopping, well Near liked it if it was for toys but he knew that's not what the others would be shopping for. They stood still unsure if they should follow the others but when Mika started walking forwards with Ryunosuke's hand in hers to catch up to Mei, Katsu and Sayaka they knew they had to go or Light or Misa would be onto them about leaving Mika and they cared for her, As soon as Alex felt the suspicious tingle again she knew she had to follow.

"Alex?" Near whispered quietly behind the loud group

"Yea?" she asked a dull look upon her face.

"I have this feeling, like, someone here, I don't like it, I feel wrong to say this without proof but someone here is connected to the murders" Near explained exasperatedly, having gotten his feelings off his chest.

"I agree-" Alex started to speak when Mei came up to them.

"We're going to eat now if you're coming" she smiled politely.

"Sure" Alexa muttered before sharing a quick glance to her brother, Alexa gently placed a finger in front of her mouth to tell her brother to keep quiet about what they were just talking about. Near nodded then took off the catch up with the group which were entering a food restaurant.

Lunch went quickly without any incidents it was not until the all finished shopping (which excluded Alexa and Near who had not bought anything) that Ryunosuke spoke up.

"Hey I just remembered that my friend's band is playing this afternoon and I have two spare tickets if anyone wants to join me" He said. Mika almost instantly asked to attend, the other ticket was taken by Mei who promised Alexa and Near to look after their sister.

"It is him, he is not right, he must have a link to the murders" Alexa said pointing over at Ryunosuke who was leaving with Mika and Mei. 

Author's note ~ Hey guys sorry for the not updating for the last two weeks my friend and I decided to write whole story before updating on Monday, Wednesday and Friday each week. So as you can guess the story is finished so expect the next chapter up monday, I hope you enjoy the rest of the story.


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