Chapter 15

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"What's her name again?" L asked

"Maki Himura" Ryunosuke replied. L typed her name into the data base.

"Maki Himura, born 7th of October 1973, about 5'1" Light listed some information.

"Yes, that's her" Ryunosuke confirmed.

"Light, you can carry on with this" L said. Light looked confused as to why L had stopped looking for the murderer but he smiled when he saw L pull out another first aid kit and start to tend to Alex's bruised knuckles.

"She was an old music teacher at the school" Ryunosuke continued and Light, Watari and Near listened jotting down notes. "She was my music teacher for the first year I was at the school which I guess is why she got me to give her access because she knew who I was" he sighed.

"So what happened?" Watari asked, wanting Ryunosuke to continue.

"I got to the bus stop where I use to meet Tarou from his school, we then rode the bus home together, but one day he didn't turn up and that's when I got a text from Maki, I still have no idea how she got my number. I suspected she asked someone who knew me making up that she wanted me to play the piano for her for something or something to do with music, that's the only way it would look less suspicious to me. And then she told me she had Tarou and would kill him if I didn't come meet her and if I told anyone or the police she would kill him" Ryunosuke's throat went dry as he held back his tears. "Sorry" he apologised and before any one could say anything he continued "So I met her, she then agreed she would keep Tarou alive if I gave her access and information about the school, anything she wanted really, mainly her past students. So that's why I didn't tell the police".

"What about your parents?" Near asked confused as to why they wouldn't file that Tarou was missing.

"Our Foster parents are always on holidays and 'business trips' that they are hardly ever home" Ryunosuke explained.

"What was she fired for?" Watari asked going over some brief notes he'd made.

Light scanned the screen and his voice dropped "Sexual harassment"

Everyone looked to Ryunosuke. "She kissed me a few times. But nothing more" he admitted, "She did worse to some other students".

"Nothing more?" Light questioned wanting to be certain. He could feel the tears pricking in his eyes.

"No, Just kissing" Ryunosuke said "I promised her she could do more if she didn't touch Tarou but she never did, honestly".

The whole time Alex had never winced at the pain from her knuckles as he father tended to them. She was just staring at his face and absorbing every word Ryunosuke said. She still hated him, all the pain he'd caused for Mika and everyone. But she understood he did it for family.

L re-went over the information that they had received from Ryunosuke about the killer and was trying to work out the best plan which would not tip off Himura Maki that they were on to her with her murders. L had asked Misa to look after the brothers to prevent Maki getting her hands on them and harming them.

L looked over at his daughter Alexa who was standing closely to Mika as was Near, Mika's kidnapping had affected them in different ways but neither were going to let Mika out their sights until this woman was either locked up or dead preferably the latter.

L hated using plans where someone was being bate but it was the only way to capture this woman red-handed. L signalled to others to come over to him which alert them that he had a plan.

"You have a plan" Mello said which was more like a statement then a question.

"Yes, but Light you are not going to like it" L answered looking over to his boyfriend how was now looking over at him with a questioning look on his face.

"I want to use Alexa as bait".

"NO!" Mika, Light, Ryunosuke and Misa all shouted simultaneously.

"You do not know this woman she will kill her" Ryunosuke said.

"Wow thanks for the support" Alexa muttered before adding "I will do it".

"No Alexa you are not, there has to be another way there is always another way" Light said.

"Yes, but once we figure it out then there will be more bodies" Alexa replied before turning to face her father.

"What do I have to do?" Alexa asked her father, her face showed determination and no one was going to talk her out of it.

"My plan is for Ryunosuke to inform the killer that Mika's sister will not drop the case and she will be at the school at tonight, we will have camera's hidden throughout the school and if she tries to do anything to harm Alexa then we will arrest her but Alex try your best to get a confession" L explained his plan.

"What no I am not doing that, I will not set her up, I refuse" Ryunosuke argued.

"If you ever want me to trust you with Mika then you will do this" Alexa ordered looking over at Ryunosuke, he tied to think of an excuse but he could not come up with anything so he ended up lowering his head in shame before agreeing to do it.

"We only have a limited time to get everything ready" L said.

"I will inform the school of the plan and set the camera up in the school" Watari said before leaving the room he had stayed quiet throughout the reunion but he was slowly accepting L and Light's relationship because Near was right he could have chosen someone much worst. L watched the elderly gentleman exit the room a small smile on his face before turning towards his daughter.

"We need to keep communication with you at all times so you will wear an earpiece but a wire will be too risky just in case you end up fighting and it gets destroyed" L said jumping up from his seat and pulled his daughter over to a cupboard where the different equipment was kept. L handed Alex the smallest earpiece they had, she slipped in into her ear as L went set it up.

Alexa looked over a Mika who has a worried look on her face, Alexa gave her a reassuring smile before saying.

"I will be fine Mika, I can take care of myself".

"Yeah that is what I am worried about" Mika replied.

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