Chapter 12

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Pain. Mika's eyes wearily opened as her cheek was slapped another time, a fresh set of tears washing over her blood soaked face. She felt pain. A physical one right in front of her, the woman who had taken her hostage. Then there was emotional pain, this person had taken Mei's life. Mika couldn't help but cry every time she thought that. She couldn't help but cry when thinking of Ryunosuke, she tried to tell herself there was a reason for it but all she could do was wonder why and how he was connected, how he betrayed all their friends and was responsible for Mei's death as well, she gently traced her bruised thumb over the side of the half torn jacket he'd given her not that long ago. Mika couldn't help crying when she thought of her family. She was certain they knew by now as the murderer had taken a photo after she'd been beaten to a pulp.

Mika felt sorry for her family, in this situation it was likely she would die here, and if not here be killed by the murderer anyway, she herself was terrified at the thought thinking of all the things she might be able to do that could so easily be taken away, but her mind kept going to Alex and Near, Misa, Light, L, Matt, Mello and Watari. she couldn't even begin to imagine how distraught Alex, Near, Light and L must be right now let alone if she died but she had no control now. She was powerless, careless and she cursed herself for having a liking towards Ryunosuke. It was moments like these she wondered why she wasn't shyer and more reserved like Alex and Near and then she might not be in this situation. She wanted to blame Ryunosuke but she couldn't, her heart wouldn't let her, she knew it was stupid but the only person she could blame now was the killer, and herself.

Mika's body tensed as she heard dreaded loud footsteps approaching. "Don't even think about trying anything" the woman menaced as she untied Mika's legs and hands, making her stand up Mika cried out from her injuries.

"Shut the fuck up" the woman commanded before tying her hands and arms again and leading her through the abandoned building.

Mika was shoved along, biting her lip to suppress the pain coursing through her. A metal door opened to reveal a small room with a tired looking boy tied up in the corner fast asleep.

"Sit down" the woman said and Mika sat, afraid if she didn't and what the consequences would be. The woman tied up her feet and shut the door locking it.

An hour later or so the little boy woke up and his face showed his surprise to see another person.

"Hello" Mika said softly, not wanting to think how long the boy had been here or what he'd been through.

"Hi" the boy said quietly, he seemed quite afraid and Mika couldn't blame him.

"I'm Mika, what's your name?" She asked the boy hoping he would become more comfortable if Mika wasn't a stranger.

"I'm Tarou" he said simply.

"How long have you been here, Tarou?" Mika asked, she didn't want to pressure the boy but figured knowing as much as she could give her a better chance of getting out, or a chance at least.

"I'm not sure. A few months I guess" the little boy pondered trying to remember when all this had started.

"Why are you here Tarou? Do you know why?" Mika asked him, her mind not wanting it to go to the worst possibility of why a woman was keeping a little boy tied up.

"She keeps me here. And then she gets Ryunosuke to give her access to the school" Tarou spoke trying to remember all the details he'd overheard.

"Ryunosuke?" Mika questioned immediately, so this was how he was connected, her gave her access.

"Yeah, Ryunosuke's my brother" the boy smiled thinking about his brother.

"Oh" Mika gasped, brother, his little, innocent brother was being held hostage by a killer who was using him to get access to the school by threatening his brother's life, and probably his own.

Mika almost felt relieved for a second. Knowing there was a reason to Ryunosuke's doing made her feel less guilty for liking him. All he wanted to do was protect his family, the same way Alex had pummeled Sayaka earlier for Near and the same way they all looked out for each other and when Mika really thought about it, she too would have done the same if someone had taken either her brother or sister away from her, their family protects one another no matter what the consequences were.

Tarou was around the age of 10, he had jet black hair which fell past his shoulders, he eyes were a dark brown which were identical to his brother's and the clothes he wore were covered with dirt and holes were littered on his t-shirt and trousers. The boy must have been taken of his way either to or from school.

"Tarou, I want you to listen to me, I will get you out of here alive my family will come after this woman and they will find us, I promise" Mika said attempting to raise the boy's spirits.

"You should never make a promise which you cannot keep" Tarou answered but there was a small spark which ignited his eyes, even if he could not fully believe what this girl was saying it did give him some hope back because even for a ten-year-old he could tell that she truthfully believed in the words that she had just spoken.

"Now, we have some waiting to do so please tell me, what has happened during the time you have been here for? Tell me everything even if you think it the stupidest thing, say it, it might be more important than you think" Mika ordered. She had been around her parents and siblings long enough that she had picked up some techniques to make someone talk.

Tarou stayed quiet for a couple of minutes before he started informing everything that had been happening during the months in which he had been held, prisoner.

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