Chapter 5

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L stood over the body of the young teen, there were similarities between the two murders, for example, the slit throat and the position they were placed in after their death but there were differences with both murders. Instead of a stab wound which was present on the first victim this one had burn marks on his wrists from an attempt to escape from his rope bonds which kept him a prisoner. This murder put the world's greatest detective on edge, the killer was becoming braver and it was only their second murder, this meant that the killer would be able to blend in with anyone in the school, there are over one thousand students attending this school and around 100 members of staff which excluded the cleaners and cafeteria staff.

L moved away from the body and looked over at his partner who was surrounded in mystery. Light Yagami 14 years ago disappeared with no reason took on a good alias which prevented L locating him, now he has reappeared with three children who have no resemblance to Misa which meant she was not the mother. Once L had learnt that Light was involved in this case and then learnt the names of his children, L had done his research but they were just a mystery like their father. 

"Ryuzaki, a medical examiner is on their way to take the body away for an autopsy" Light informed him. L walked over to Light who was standing next to his daughter Alexa, his son Near was sitting in between his father's legs and beside Light was a girl around the same age as Near and Alexa who was talking to Light, she had similar features to Light and his twins, this girl had long brown hair which was pulled up into pigtails on either side of her head similar to how Misa use to do with her hair during the Kira Case. When L got close he saw that this girl had large dark eyes which were similar to his own. 

From the corner of his eyes two teachers, one male the other female - the male stood around 6'5 and was very slim, his skin was pale and in some areas had a grey colour to it. His hair was black and spiked upwards with streaks of blue running through it, his eyes were large and round the colour was red with hits of yellow in them, he was wearing a PE kit which seemed a size too big and that it had not been washed for a while. The female was smaller than the male, she stood around 6'0 and had long arms and her skin is pale. Her hair is white but the tips were dyed purple, her outfit consisted of something similar to the male teacher apart for it was much cleaner and fit the woman's body perfectly.  

"Sup Princi" the male said to the principal before saying "Heard there's been a murder".

"Ah, Mr Nakahara would you be able to escort the students off the premise and call Mr Kato's parents for me," Principal Saito asked. 

"Sure" Mr Nakahara replied before cupping his hands to the sides of his mouth and shouted. "Schools out bitches, leave now and do not return" 

The corridor erupted into cheers as the students rushed out of the school with their friends in tow. Mika turned to her father once her newly made friends came into view and beckoned her over. 

"Hey Mum since school has been cancelled I was planning on going shopping with my new friends, Near and Alexa can come with us which could mean that you would not have to look after them whilst you are trying to solve this case" Mika asked Light who seemed to pause and think about before looking over at Alexa and Near who seemed to look horrified at the idea. 

"It would be a big help if you three stayed together for protection reasons" Light muttered which earns him a death glare from his second eldest daughter. 

"Thanks, Mum," Mika said whilst jumping up and planting a kiss on his cheek before grabbing her brother and sister's arms and dragged them off towards her friends. Light quickly mouthed 'sorry' over to his son and daughter then headed back inside the art room. 

Alexa was not pleased, shopping was the last thing she wished to do during the day after discovering a dead body with her bloody superhuman hearing that she was born with. she glanced over at her brother who was also being forced to go through this horrible experience. 

Once the group reached the closest shopping centre to the school the friends had started a conversation on what they were planning to buy in all the shops, Alexa and Near were left at the back of the group and had tried to run off but were always caught by Mika, one of Mika's friends kept glancing back at the two seeming like she wanted to say something to them but was not completely sure what but soon the words came and she slowed her pace so she was walking side by side with Alexa and Near.

"I am truthfully sorry that you had to be dragged into this" one of Mika's friends said – Mei, her name was, her expression showed that she was truthfully sorry but this only made Alex fell angrier.

"Yeah well drop dead" Alexa replied.

"That's rude," A voice said from behind the group, standing behind her was a pink haired boy, his eyes were brown and his skin was pale. He had a black beanie covering most of his hair and he was wearing a blue and white checked shirt which black skinny jeans and black converse. On his back was a portable keyboard.

"And you are?" Alex questioned.

"Ryunosuke, hey how are you" Katsu Tarou, the other male in the group said.

"All good Katsu" Ryunosuke replied.

"Did you hear about the murder?" Katsu said, there seemed to be a flash of guilt which passed through Ryunosuke's eyes for a split second and his friendly aura which surrounded him seemed to change for a couple of seconds which would not be picked up by a regular human being.

"Yeah, I knew Kaito" Ryunosuke answered.

"Less talking about death more shopping" Sayaka shouted before wrapping her arms around Ryunosuke and Katsu then pulled them toward the closest shop followed by Mei, and Mika who was completely unaware that her siblings were not following.

Alexa watched as her sister and her newly appointed friends walked off with this boy - Ryunosuke Tanaka, during Alexa's childhood she was brought up to suspect everything it was something that she learnt from her mother and the reports of the cases which her father had cracked.

Ryunosuke Tanaka, 14-years-old. Would have access to any room in the school for his music performance or practices and this means that he would be able to befriend anyone who he wanted to. 10% chance that he was the killer but there is still a 65% chance that accomplice. The only question is, is he doing this willingly or not?

Back at headquarters Light was sitting on one of the chairs looking over the autopsy report which the detectives had just received, there was no poisons or drugs which were running through the victim's vein which would have caused them to be unconscious or immobilised, this autopsy seemed identical to the first murder just lacking the stab wound.

L watched from the other side of headquarters at Light, his heart was racing, this was the first time he had been properly alone with Light ever since they were handcuffed to one another. Light looked handsome like usual but it was clear to L that Light was weary even though he was putting up a mask to hide it, it still shone in the man's eyes.

"Light-kun perhaps you should retire for the night," L said causing the brunette to look over to him.

"Sleep will not catch the killer Ryuzaki" Light replied before turning to face the computer, this irritated L who then strode up beside Light and pulled the brunette out of the chair.

"A tired Light Yagami will not be any help tomorrow if you are sleep deprived" L retaliated, Light looked up at L with a tired expression on his face, this made the brunette looked completely innocent that he had not gone through hell and back during the Kira case. L lost control of his own mind and body because he leant down and pressed his lips against the brunette's. 

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