Chapter 11

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Alex, Near, Katsu, Mika and Ryunosuke tried to talk about normal things, other things. But the room still had a sad feel.

Ryunosuke stood up and checked the time, 7.00pm "I'm going to get some fresh air, does anyone wanna come with?" he asked heading towards the door.

"I will" Mika said getting up and heading over as well. Before Alexa could protest they'd already said goodbye and left.

"Wanna play some video games?" Katsu suggested, Near gladly accepted but Alex just said she'd watch. Her mind kept going between Mei, the incident with Sayaka and Mika, she tried to reassure herself she'd be fine but couldn't help her bad feelings creep in again.

"Do you wanna get a drink at a café?" Ryunosuke suggested as he and Mika walked down the street.

"Sure" she replied.

"Uh, let's go this way" Ryunosuke said pointing to the left, they started walking down the street when the wind picked up and Mika shivered as she hadn't thought to bring a jacket when walking out the door.

"It's cold, do you want my jacket?" Ryunosuke asked her

"Isn't that a little cliché" Mika joked

Ryunosuke laughed, yes it was cliché "Do you want my jacket or not?" he smiled a gummy smile when she nodded her head and he gently draped it over her shoulders.

"Thanks" Mika blushed.

They were about to cross at traffic lights when Mika noticed Ryunosuke looking around as if he was searching for someone. The cars stopped and Ryunosuke grabbed Mika's hand and they crossed over the road. He sent her a warm smile as they continued walking to the café.

Mika became slightly suspicious as Ryunosuke started to look around again, his hand becoming tenser in hers. "Ryunosuke? Is everything alright?" she asked

He looked at her with a small smile "Yeah, uh fine, just don't let go of my hand" he replied.

"What's wrong? Is someone following us? please tell me. Is it Alexa?" Mika questioned now slightly afraid, weirdly she felt comforted around Ryunosuke though.

"No- uh, everything's fine, trust me" he pleaded wanting to get to the café and then explain.

Mika pulled Ryunosuke to a halt and moved her hand out of his "Please just tell me" she asked again.

Ryunosuke signed "I will" he turned around "Look the café is just down there we can-" he said as turning back to Mika who wasn't there.

"Mika?" he called spinning around as his heart rate increase "Mika!? This isn't funny" he shouted and started to search frantically down the road each way. He scrunched up his fists in anger. Not Mika. Not again.

He got out his phone and texted Mika multiples times, calling her phone but it went straight to voicemail each time. He spent another 20 minutes searching but had no luck. He sat on a bench running his hand through his hair. Tears escaped from his eyes no matter how hard he tried to not let them fall. At the moment. She'd won.

[Text Messages]

xxxxxxxx: Your friend is pretty, Ryunosuke

Ryunosuke: Where is she?

xxxxxxxx: With him

Ryunosuke: Please. I beg you, don't hurt her. You've already killed one of my friends, please leave her alone.

xxxxxxxx: Don't worry, she's okay. For now. I'm just using her for bargaining

Ryunosuke's tears hit his phone's screen, he always seemed to make others' lives worse. Especially his parents. He highly doubted Mika would ever forgive him now, or any of his friends which he valued so much.

She stared down at the photograph which had been sent to her, a young brunette-haired girl was sitting on a chair, her bright blue eyes wear now dull and full of fear, blood was trailing down the girl's left cheek and her clothes were torn. Underneath the image were the word 'Drop the investigation or you will pay with her life'.

The girl holding the phones hands started to shake all her worst nightmares were coming true they had her twin, for the first time, Alexa felt powerless, powerless to do anything but stare at the broken body of Mika. Her eyes wondered over the other occupants in the room, neither of them knew of the horrific situation which was playing out for Mika.

She was with him, he was suspicious from the start but Alexa had done nothing to prevent him getting close to her sister and now her sister had paid the price for this careless error of hers. She would find Ryunosuke and she will kill him, she will find her sister even if it costs her, her own life she will do it. 

Light stared down at his phone his hand started shaking as he saw the picture of his daughter, Mika. His legs gave out and he collapsed to the floor, tears rolled down his cheeks and he let out a scream, this made L, Mello and Matt look over at him. All of them had a horrible feeling in their stomachs as they got out of their chairs and walked over to the crying adult. The first thing they noticed was the image which was present on Light's phone, L bent down and picked up the phone as if it was an offending vegetable which was trying to force the sweet loving detective to eat it.

There on the screen was Mika all tied up and hurt, L then looked back down at his boyfriend who was sobbing uncontrollably on the floor. L scooped Light up into his arms and held the man close to his chest, a pain in his chest was present when he thought about what might be happening to the poor girl but that was not the only feeling ever since they triplets and Light had come into his life or re-entered his life, L had felt that his life was complete now and the thought of losing one of the children caused a pain that L thought he would never fall victim during his life time. The pain of a father losing his child but the only problem was these were not his children they were Light's and some other woman who must have left when they children were little.

It was not until L remembered all the conversations that the triplets had with Light not once had they refer to him as Dad or father but always Mum but males cannot get pregnant but if it was true and Light was the mother then who was the father who was the man that was a part of the creation of the children. 14-years-old, the were 14 meaning Light must have fallen pregnant during the Kira case and there was only one person who Light had slept with. It could not be. He had to know whether his suspicion was correct.

"Light, who is the other parent to the triplets?" L questioned.

"How is that important right now" Light snapped.

"Who Light?" L shouted whilst shaking the man in his arms the attitude which L was presenting shocked Matt and Mello who was quietly watching the scene between the two plays out.

"YOU!" Light screamed a weight that he had been carrying for the last 14-years had suddenly been lifted from Light shoulders when he confessed to L.

"They are your children, I was pregnant during the end of the Kira case and ran" Light sobbed out, L was standing there frozen as he absorbed the information. He was the triplets father. He the world's greatest detective was a father. To not one but three children and currently one was missing.

L's mind shut down. 

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