Chapter 14

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Misa was over at headquarters in matter of minutes after she had gotten off the phone with Near who had explained in detail the situation they were currently in. Misa marched into headquarters to see Light still curled up in the corner, she ran over to her best friend and pulled him into her arms whilst running her hand up and down his back.

"Everything will be all right, we will get her back you know you daughter she probably planned an escape route and is on her way right now" Misa said trying to reassure him. Light looked up at Misa and gave her a small smile even after all these years she could put up with Light's strange behaviour during and after his pregnancy, she was always there for them and he never said thank you for being there.

"Thank you, Misa, for everything" Light answered.

"Your welcome I will always be here for you and your children, unlike someone" Misa said her voice darkened at the end as she turned to face the man in question. L was still stood where he had been an hour ago frozen.

Misa stood up and stormed over to L and proceed to slap him in the face which snapped him out of his shock state. 'Why did we not try that' Mello muttered in the background but Misa ignored him. L pressed his hand to his aching cheek whilst rubbing it gently in an attempt to numb the pain.

"Ow, your slaps are hard" L said staring at the woman in front of him.

"You deserve it for abandoning Light in the moment he needed you the most, you should have put your emotions aside like you normal do in your cases to be there for him but no you failed at one important thing of being a boyfriend" Misa shouted whilst pointing her finger in L's face. L stared at Misa for a couple of minutes before nodding his head, he walked over to Light who was still sitting on the floor and L knelt down in front of Light.

"I am sorry Light, I was not there when you needed me the most, I hope you can forgive me" L spoke to Light, Light looked up at L tears were forming in his eyes before leaping at L which made them both come crashing to the floor.

"I love you" Light cried out.

"I love you too" L replied pressing a kiss against Light's forehead. There was a noise from the other side of the room which sound liked a cough, everyone turned around to see Mika who was covered with dirt and blood beside her was a young boy who was in the same condition. Light rushed over to his daughter and brought her into his arms pressing kisses on her cheeks, L was not far behind Light and did the same thing which proved to Mika that L was fully aware that she was his daughter. Mika melted into her parent's arms but their reunion was short-lived. 

The door opened and Alex raged in dragged a bruised and beaten Ryunosuke, he winced as she pushed him into headquarters.

"IT'S ALL HIS FAULT! HE'S RESPONSIBLE!" Alex started to scream kicking Ryunosuke again with tears in her eyes. Everyone in the room looked to the commotion and Mika ran over pushing Alex away from Ryunosuke.

"Alex! Stop!" Mika struggled finally pushing her away and standing in front of Ryunosuke so she was unable to attack him.

Alex's eyes adjusted "Mika?" she questioned wondered how and when she'd gotten back. Looking at Mika's bruised body she wanted to punch and hit the life out of Ryunosuke but was confused as to why Mika was protecting him.

"Let me past" Alex growled still deathly eyeing Ryunosuke.

"No" Mika replied, Alex didn't understand and frankly Ryunosuke didn't either, he thought Mika would also be the one punching him, let alone protecting him after all that had happened.

Alex was about to speak again in protest when someone else spoke.

"Ryunosuke?" a small voice asked.

Ryunosuke turned his head to the sound "Tarou?" he asked in disbelief. Both boys ran over to each other, Ryunosuke collapsed to his knees to engulf Tarou in a long awaited hug.

"Explain" Alexa growled staring at her sister like she had betrayed her. 

"That boy is Ryunosukes's little brother he was held hostage by the murderer"

Alexa spared another glance at the hugging brothers and let out a small sigh before turning to face her parents who had not moved an inch since Alexa dramatic entrance. 

"Tell them everything and I might forgive you" Alexa ordered and Ryunosuke complied not once moving away from his brother. Ryunosuke informed who the killer was and why she was killing everyone, L and Light shared a look a plan were already forming in their minds. 

"What are you waiting for, go get this bastard" Misa shouted she had a medical kit in hand as she started to tend to Ryunsuke's injuries. 

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