Chapter 3

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The plane ride to Japan was tense, the atmosphere between Watari and Light was immense. Misa sat next to Mika who was watching her mother talking to the elderly man, the same elderly man that was her father's guardian. Whilst growing up both their mother and Misa had told them about the world's greatest detective L but the idea of meeting him was nothing compared with the stories and rumours. The hours passed slowly, Near was playing with his toys whilst Alexa was sleeping, the current book which she was reading is plastered across her face.

When the plane arrived at Osaka International Airport, Watari helped unload the detective's family luggage before walking to the car park where the car was parked then drove it around to the front of the airport where they were standing. On the plane, Watari informed Light that when they arrived in Japan he was to take L straight to headquarters where Misa and the children would be going straight to the accommodation which L set up for them which would be near headquarters.

Light, Mika, and Misa piled into the back of the car followed by Alexa and Near. The drive to the accommodation was brought memories back to both Light and Misa, neither had returned to Japan ever since they left all those years ago. Misa climbed out the car followed by Mika then Alexa it was decided during the ride to the house that Near would stay with Light when Alex and Mika helped Misa unpack.

After unloading all the luggage from the boot Watari climbed back into the driver's seat and drove off towards the old headquarters which were used during the Kira investigation. The building had been standing empty for the last 13 years after the case was closed. Light could only imagine what the building would look like after all those years filled with dust but Light knew Watari would have gone on a major cleaning spree before L ever stepped his barefoot in the building. The drive there did not take long but one the building was in sight, he felt a wash of nausea in his stomach, the man he ran from was somewhere in that building.

The car pulled into the lower levels of the building which made Light start to feel nervous, Near seemed to notice his mother's nervousness and placed his small hand on top of his mother's larger one. Light gave Nate a small smile and ruffled his white hair. The car came to a stop and Light climbed out before turning to help Near out before wrapping his arm around his son's shoulders to steer him towards Watari.

They walked over to the lift in the main operation room, where crouched in his famous position was L. Watari stepped out the lift and headed straight towards the unsuspecting detective who was eating a pile of sweets, Watari whispered something into the detective's ear which caused him to turn around to face Light and Near, the sweets that he was holding in his hands fell to the floor.

"Light" L muttered a smile broke out onto the detective's face, Light was here but the smile only long lasted because his eyes travelled down to 14-year-old who was clinging to his mother's side, his face was half hidden behind Light's arm. L climbed out of his chair and headed over to the pair standing near the lift. Light's eyes studied L's moves unconsciously pushed Near behind him.

"Light-kun, it has been a long time" L said whilst looking Light all over, Light had not changed much from the last time they saw each other.

"It has Ryuzaki, you have not changed" Light replied.

"Likewise," L eyes looked over at Near who was slightly peeping his head out from behind Light before hiding again after seeing L.

"Ryuzaki this is my son Near" Light introduced them before walking over to all the computers and plopping downing into one of the unoccupied chairs. L and Near followed Light, L took a seat in his previous chair whilst Near sat on the floor attempting to hide behind Light's legs. Light gently pulled his son up from the floor and pulled the closest chair towards them for Near to sit on. After helping his son into the chair Light turned his attention toward L who was watching their every move.

"I only recently got the case so I have not properly looked through it" Light said to L.

"Mayu Akiyama 14 was murdered at her school by an unidentified person, her friends had dared her to stay at the school during the night whether she interrupted the killer or they went there intended in killing her is unknown. Mayu was stabbed in the abdomen then her throat was slit after the killer had made sure she was definitely death she was placed into a resting position" L informed Light whilst watching Near who was playing with some sugar cubes. "I have sent two people who I trust undercover at the school to make a list of suspects and potential targets".

The two undercover humans are Mikael Keehl and Mail Jeevas who are most commonly known as Matt and Mello. Mello has chin length golden-blond hair and blue eyes, his bangs hang down just over his eyebrows and his a large scar over the left side of his face and arm, Mello is an avid wearer of leather. Matt has brown hair and dark blue eyes, he is seen wearing a red and black striped long-sleeved top, blue pants, black belt with metal holes, and white goggles with amber-tinted lenses. He wears black gloves that reach just below the elbow, as well as a pair of black boots and a cream-colored, sleeveless vest with fur trim.

The two detectives were going through the evidence when the door opened from one of the upstairs rooms and in walked Matt and Mello. Mello was grumbling over the uniform which was provided by the school completely ruined his look, Matt listened to his boyfriend complaining until they both realised that L was not the only the other person in the building. Sitting next to L was a male around 33-year-old with brown hair and to the side of him was a young 14-year-old boy with white hair.

"Mello, Matt I want you to meet Light and Near, Light is going to be working with us" L spoke to them once they were closer to the trio.

"Nice to meet you" Matt said Light but Mello ignored them and gave L a 'do we really need him' look but before L could reply to Mello's look, Light phone went off. Light fished the phone out of his pocket and answered it.

"Hi, Misa," Light said which caused L to flinch after all this time Light was still with Misa.

"What?" Light questioned to what Misa said.


"Fine, you remember the old Kira headquarters," Light said which earned him a questioning look from L, Mello and Matt.

"Yeah just point her in the direction of the building, I will meet her outside" Light informed Misa before hanging up and let out a sigh.

"Alexa" Near stated.


"Who's Alexa?" L questioned.

"My daughter and Near's twin" Light replied before headed towards the lift followed by L who was curious about Light's daughter. Light opened the door to the building's entrance and poked his head around his door to see whether he could find his daughter. Misa stood out first, she was dragging Alexa by the wrist towards the building, Light felt L stick his head out as well.

"Ryuzaki long time no see" Misa shouted whilst waving over causing L to groan. Misa was the last person he wanted to see after being reunited with Light. L looked at the girl who was being dragged by Misa, she was 14, paled skin with black hair and caramel brown eyes. She was wearing a dark purple sleeveless top with a sleeveless leather jacket and black skinny jeans.

"Ryuzaki I want you to meet Alexa" Light introduced

"Ryuzaki huh," Alexa said looking up at her biological father.

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