Chapter 6

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Light pulled away from L, his eyes were wide and his heart was in is throat, his cheeks were red and his lips were bruised. L was a mess as well, his hair was in tangled with Light's fingers, his eyes were filled with lust and his breath was uneven.      

"I'm sorry" L muttered pulling himself away from Light completely.  

"No, it's fine. I-I liked it" Light spluttered, his cheeks reddening even more. He missed L. So much.

And L missed Light too, his cheeks also stark red and his lips curving into a small smile at Light's response.

"Well, if you liked it. You wouldn't mind me doing this?" L smirked and before Light could response they were both wrapped in a sweet, loving kiss.

Meanwhile Alex, Near, Mika and the newly made friends had arrived at the house they were staying in with Misa.

Near had resumed playing with his toys trying to ignore the strangers that were infiltrating his comfortable environment. Alexa wasn't happy either and decided to try counter attack by blasting her music aloud in hopes of annoying them so they'd leave. However, she saw Sayaka and Katsu dancing to the music.

"What band is this?" Mei asked Alex timidly.

"Dreamcatcher" Alexa replied and continued scrolling through her phone.

Misa had started to embarrassingly dance with Katsu and Sayaka and all three of the triplets were silently face palming. Mika was in the corner talking to Ryunosuke about his subjects and how long he had been playing the piano.

Alex sat uncomfortably, she was suspicious of the new friends and decided she wanted to make profiles of all of them and calculate the probability of them being the killer or linked to the killer. She didn't want anyone harming her family whether they were aware of the relation or not.

Mei Kasumi, 14-year-old. Could use her sweet and caring personality meaning she would be able to become friends with anyone easily. There is a 9% chance that she could be the killer and a 25% chance she is an accomplice, there is also a 8% chance she could be the next victim.

Sayaka Ayame, 14-year-old. Her looks would be able to entrance anyone without a brain both male and female, could use her looks to get someone to follow her. 20% chance she is the killer but a 65% chance that she is the accomplice she would not want to get her hands dirty, there is a 40% chance that she is the next victim.

Katsu Tarou, 15-year-old. Height would be an advantage against the victims but no real concern to being the killer or an accomplice but there is a 30% chance he could be a victim.

Alex felt better now, more reassured that none of them was that likely to be the killer and that with the amount of other people connected to the school the probability wasn't that high, she'd be sure to share this with Near later as she could tell he was still uncomfortable. Alex stood up from the corner she was sitting in whilst observing the 'friends' and headed over towards Near who was awkwardly sitting in the centre of the room with his toys, people were dancing around him. Alexa pushed Sayaka and Katsu away from Near, Sayaka fell into the wall and Katsu fell onto the sofa. 

"Alex don't be mean to my friends" Mika snapped.

"I prefer that your so called friends did attempt to harm my brother" Alexa replied whilst pulling Near from his place on the floor then processed to leave the room with him following. They both headed towards Near room where all his toys were back in the living room Mika was apologising to Sayaka and Katsu about her sister's behaviour. 

"Do not worry about it, we were kind of dancing a little close to your brother we might have accidently hurt him if she had not intervened" Katsu replied before he and Sayaka started dancing again. 

Mei looked over to the way the twins went but decided not to follow them, they could only talk to her if they wanted to plus they already had made some friends Matt and Marshmellow or whatever his real name was. Mika looked a little disappointed that her siblings were attempting to sabotage her friendship with these people.

"Mika you should not blame your siblings, they seem like they are not used to this much human interaction," Mei said.

"Alex always said that the like thing she liked was human interaction but I never believed her because she was so close to Near and Mum but whenever I brought friends home she always seemed to find a way of scaring them," Mika told Mei.

"Well, it sounds like you are trying to force them into a friendship with your friends" Mei replied.

"I wanted us to share the experience" Mika confessed.

"They will come around at their own pace," Mei said. 

"Okay" Mika replied before adding "How about we leave these idiots dancing to dreamcatcher and go see what they are up to maybe doing something the two enjoy will help them become friends with you". 

"Yeah sounds like a good idea" Mei replied before following Mika to Near's room. 

"Wow" Mei muttered when they entered Near's room it was full of toys and puzzles and in the centre of the room was a giant lego rocket, Near was on Alexa's shoulders attempting to put the last piece of lego on the rocket. Alexa turned slightly to take a look at the two who had entered the room. 

"Did you do this in the last two days?" Mika questioned and only received a nod from Near. 

"I'm impressed" Mika muttered. 

Back at headquarters, Light slowly opened his eyes, his head was laying on someone's hard chest and arms were wrapped loosely around his waist. Light looked up to see the sleeping face of L, his face looked relaxed and calm. It was rare to see L so relaxed and vulnerable, Light remembered there was another time like this it was just before they realised that Higuchi was Kira it was the morning after Light had finally given himself to L, L did not look like his was the world's greatest detective but a normal 25-year-old who had finally gotten a good night sleep after a long time overworking, he looked his age for once. 

"You know it is rude to stare" L muttered which caused Light to let out a small chuckle.

"That coming from the number world stalker" Light replied and moved slightly allowing L to sit up. L brushed some hair strands which were stuck to Light's face before cupping Light's cheek and leant down to press a kiss on Light's lips. After the kiss, the day before Light and L had a long conversation about their relationship which resulted in them both deciding to put the 14 years of radio silence behind them and move forward. Once the conversation finished L and Light went to bed in the same room he shared with L all those years ago when they were handcuffed together. Light returned the kiss, it was slow but full of passion, when they broke away L rested his forehead on Lights and stared into the brunette's eyes. 

"I love you Light, I really do" L whispered.

"I love you too L" Light replied before sealing their lips into another kiss. 

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