Chapter 9

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Mika, Mei and Ryunosuke sat together on a bus on the way to the concert. Mika and Ryunosuke were happily chatting away about various topics, Mei joined in occasionally but couldn't get the look Alex gave her out of her head, it was one of deep worry and threat that she couldn't shake. Strangely she also couldn't shake the feeling they were all being watched, she knew it was silly but whatever it was made her uncomfortable.

Mei watched Ryunosuke glance around a few times, she wondered if he also thought they were being watched but she showed no worry when they got off the bus and he held Mika's hand pulling her along excitedly towards the concert's small venue. 

After Ryunosuke had left with Mei and Mika to got to the concert, Near and Alexa turned to head home, well go back to headquarters where their parents were currently held up. Their said parents were hunched over one computer when the twins entered the main area of the building. "Huh?" Light muttered when he heard the door click.

"Hey Mum" Near and Alex said looking around the headquarters that was scattered in paper and considerably messier than when they left this morning.

L glanced between them all briefly before going back to scrolling down names on the computer.

"What happened?" Alex asked motioning to the room.

"We've had a major development, after checking the security cameras and logs, we've concluded the killer has access to the school so is most likely a teacher due to the hours of the murders and the skill" Light explained 

"Oh, can we help you go through the database?" Near asked hopefully

"Uh, I guess- Wait, Where's Mika?" Light said confused whilst looking around the room for his eldest daughter. 

"She has gone to a concert with her friends" Alexa replied before collapsing into a chair beside her parents then looked over at the suspect list that they had compiled. 

Rem Nakahara - Black Belt Judo

Ryuk Nakahara - Ex-Miltary 

Haru Mizushima - drug addict

Shirou Suzuki - criminal behaviour charges

Jurou Ueda - Fired 

Maki Himura - Fired

Aoi Yoshida - Wrestler 

Miu Fujimoto -  harrassment charges

"As you can see, our attention is drawn to the suspects with criminal charges as they are more likely to commit murder" L said.

"How the hell did they all become teachers?" Alex asked

Light just shrugged his shoulders and turned back to look at L. Alexa and Near noticed the sexual tension between the pair and decided to leave the room before they become permanently scarred with the actions of their parents. 

Light watched his children leave the room before turning to face his boyfriend, his black messy hair was covering his eyes as he stared down "I cant' believe you didn't tell me" "I had to keep it secret"  "I know it was classified but I thought we'd agreed to share" "It was hard for me to keep it secret, believe me, I wanted to tell you, I really did" "You should have" "How can I trust you?" "I'm not sure you can" The voices echoed in Light's head, L quickly glanced over at Light only to see that he was lost in thought. A flicker of pain passed through Light's eyes as he remembered the argument that he had with L the day they were reunited. 

"Light-kun what is wrong?" L questioned giving Light a worried look.

"Nothing L, I just had a bad thought, I was just wondering what would happen if this killer ever went after Alexa, Mika or Near it would be my fault for enrolling them there" Light lied even though his excuse made his stomach turn at the thought of his children lying in a pool of their own blood. 

L placed a hand against Light's cheek, Light leant into the touch and placed his own hand against L's. L smiled before he leant down and pressed his lips against Light's in a sweet kiss which was also reassuring.

"I would never let anyone harm those children they are my family too now," L said not fully knowing the effects of the words on Light because he was still unaware that the children were his. 

"Thank you L, you have no idea how much that means to me" Light replied then proceeded to pull L down into another passionate kiss. There was a loud clatter which caused the couple to pull away from each other, they turned to face where the noise had originated from there stood the elderly man. 

"Watari I can explain" L shouted pulling himself fully away from Light. 

"You do not need to," Watari snapped before turning around and walking out the room leaving the couple behind him. L and Light shared a nervous glance at one another. 

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