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"No." Steven clenched his fists and set his jaw, eyes burning into Amethysts'. "No. I'm staying with my family. No matter who they are or what they did, I know them. I...I love them."

"Then I guess this gives me no choice." Bismuth shaped her fists into hammers, and charged directly at Steven.

"AaaaaaAAHHHH!!!! Jaspeeeerrr!!" Steven screamed, but Jasper was already there literally going head to head with the tough Gem. Blow after blow, the two fought battering each other down, slicing through each other's hair, spitting, fighting, in a word, dirty.

Steven peeled his eyes away from the two large Gems and looked around him seeing the rest of his friends fighting with his mother's enemies. Lapis and Pearl swirled around each other, one of the two gaining the upper hand and then losing it to the other, spinning their respective weapons, each trying to disarm the other.

Garnet saw an opening to attack Steven, and took it, Steven's shield popping up almost too late, her fists battering it at incredible speeds, always hitting the same diamond shaped middle. Over and over. Time after time. Steven couldn't hold this forever, sooner or later, he had to fight back. He had to protect Connie, who was deep in a battle with Amethyst, slicing through the thick whips that kept flailing at her. But she was getting tired, each stroke fading even more, unable to keep up with the new Crystal Gem's attacks.

Steven saw Garnet stumble from a particularly hard blow, and took that time to throw his shield down, running as fast as his stubby legs could carry him to his friend. Connie heard him coming, and turned away from Amethyst, thinking he was going to attack her. She realized who it was too late. A whip lashed out, slicing through the air, hitting her in the leg. Steven caught her. He was able to form a bubble around them before the whip had the chance to crash into Connie again, and Garnet could continue her assault on the Diamond's child.

Peridot watched the carnage from behind the bushes where Lapis was hiding earlier. Fear kept creeping up her spine every time she tried to make a move towards the fight. So she clutched her gem and started to cry. Being cracked felt horrible, like all she was had been torn apart and her existence was flitting in and out, nausea consuming her, then hunger burning through her, off and on again and again until she felt like she was on fire, stretching and contorting her body into someone she wasn't. It was like her thoughts weren't hers, like she saw the world through different eyes. She never wanted to go back to that. So she sat with her head in her hands, wanting to do something but never being able to bring herself to do it.

Peridot needed someone, and she knew who. She wanted Lapis. So when she looked over and saw Pearl pinning Lapis to the ground, Peridot threw her fear to the side, using it to sprint over and body slam Pearl so she was no longer on top of Lapis. Then she pulled the blue Gem up. Peridot looked Lapis in the eyes. Lapis nodded back, knowing exactly what Peridot wanted to do.

They started to dance into each other quickly, Lapis spinning into Peridot, even though the green Gem was much smaller then her.

Pearl recovered from the attack, and pulled another spear out of her Gem.

Green and Blue light started to shine out of their Gems, the forms melding into one, and a lithe woman with many limbs came out.

Reverse Steven Universe AU (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now