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I shifted and jolted awake, noticing the familiar skeletal arms were gone a long with his bone body. I looked around frantically and got out of bed. Sans. His room seemed the same when I fell asleep with him, but now he isn't here. I started to worry and walked in a hushed way out of the room. Everything was dark and quiet. My phone flashed as I looked at the screen.

2:58 am

I smiled at my natural tendency to wake up at night. The sound of talking came from downstairs as I got closer. My hands gripped the railing tightly as I leaned over it to hear the voices better.

"She did that? Wow. She's such a bitch." It was Sans' voice as he spoke to someone else.

"Yup, it took a while but I got her to stop. It hurt like a bitch as well." The familiar voice of Chara spoke in the kitchen.

They're talking about you, (Y/n).

N-No. That's impossible. Just moments before Sans and I were cuddling.

He only feels pity for you like the rest of them.

Shut up. You can't scare me into submission anymore.

You wanna bet?

My vision was engulfed in crimson red before returning. I shook it off and slowly made my way downstairs. I stopped outside the door way and listened in on their conversation.

"Did you know that (Y/n) was an attention whore in middle school. She would cut her wrists and say that her cat scratched her. Then she would constantly tell people to kill her." Chara scoffed and I could mentally see her roll her eyes.

"What? She just does that for attention? That's what I thought." Sans seemed to jeer back. My soul seemed to twist in pain.

"Yeah, at night she would-" Before I could hear her say anything else I jumped up and ran quietly up then stairs and into Sans' room.

I silently cried into the pillow on the bed before sniffling. I heard footsteps creak along the floor, coming closer to this room. The door slammed open and I screamed hoarsely, falling off the mattress. It was Sans. His left eye flared blue as he smiled darkly.

"Hey (Y/n). You wanna have a bad time?" Before he could make a move I dashed to the window and opened it, but it was locked.

I rammed into the glass and fell from the second story floor, slamming into the ground below. My body seemed to jerk in pain as I got up, holding my shoulder. I looked around frantically and saw a tree in the back yard. I climbed it quickly but quietly. I hid in the branches as Sans bursted out of the back door.

"(Y/n), where are you?~" I muffled my fearful cries as he searched for me.

Are you going to believe me yet?

Yes! Yes I believe you! I understand that they were talking about me!

I shouted in my mind as I cried. My vision was engulfed in crimson once more before returning to me. I was still in the tree, and Sans was shouting below for me.

"(Y/n)! Come out, what's wrong?!" His voice was filled with fear, sincerity, and sadness.

I cried harder into my hands from the branch, a tear slipped down the tree and landed on Sans cheek as he passed by. He looked around before looking up, seeing my shaking figure in the branches of the trees.

"(Y/n) get down from there! You're gonna get hurt, you're danger prone after all!" I could see large translucent tears in his sockets start to form as I stared at him in fear. "(Y/n) what's wrong, why are you scared?" He started to climb the tree branches to get to me.

Okay guys! I changed my mind because I want your opinion on something. Should I make a lemon/smut chapter in this book?



I will put a warning in the chapter if you guys want one but others don't.

Faded Blades (Sans x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now