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I pushed Sans off me and ran towards the door, only to get tripped. He chuckled and ran towards the door, but I grabbed his hood and boosted myself ahead as the door opened. We tripped each other constantly on our way to the stairs. Sans pushed me and started to go down the stairs quickly, only to twitch in annoyance as I slid down the railing quickly.

He tripped down the last step from going too fast as I made my way into the kitchen. Sans grabbed my ankle and I fell through the doorway, faceplanting. Sans laughed and jumped over me, only to trip from me grabbing the bottom of his slipper. He fell and I laughed at him, getting up to grab a plate. Sans did the same and I noticed we weren't the only ones in the kitchen.

Alphys was giggling and Undyne was holding a camera, filming us. I could feel the adrenalin pump through me and I ran at Undyne, jumping over the table and grabbing her phone. I landed safely on the ground and stopped the recording, deleting it instantly.

"Hey! Give that back!" Undyne grabbed her phone but I didn't care. I calmly walked back to getting my spaghetti, only to be pushed out of the way by Sans as he tried to get his food.

I pushed him back lightly and he pushed me harder. He didn't make me move since I was still swerving the spaghetti onto my plate. I pushed him back and he staggered, not expecting me to push him that much. I got my spaghetti and went into the front room to eat. I sat down and began to eat, only to feel the couch sink down next to me.

"What was that for?" Sans chuckled as he ate his spaghetti next to me.

"For taking my turtleneck off against my will, pervert." I kept my gaze on the tv as I ate. Rick and Morty was on and I'm not missing that shit.

"I was checking you for injuries, I wasn't going to do anything sexual to you." He spoke defensively and I could tell he fact that he got defensive in the first place gave him away.

"Whatever." I muttered.

I ate my food and started to drift off into my thoughts. I could feel him taking over my thoughts again.

He got defensive because he isn't a man slut. Don't think that he likes you.

I know he doesn't. He only feels pity for me.

Yes, now you're seeing it the correct way. He pitied you, he still does. Everyone does. You're just an attention whore.

N-No. I refuse to believe that. I'm just not mentally fit at the moment. I'll get better. I know I will.

Sure you will. But can you get better in a short enough time?

The voice spoke sinisterly as it left my mind. I sighed out and placed the almost untouched plate of spaghetti down and got up, not caring if I was missing the show or that I was wasting food. Sans gave me a concerned look as I slowly limped up the stairs.

"Um, (Y/n) are you alright?" His deep voice was laced with concern and slight worry.

"I'm fine, I'm just not hungry. Tell Papyrus my thanks..." I walked along the loft and to the shared bedroom and laid down. The moon was just rising and I was not happy.

The moonlight flashed in my eyes but I didn't care anymore, I curled up and pulled the blanket over me. My breathing softened as memories of my walk filled my head.


I had been walking for almost 2 hours now, I didn't feel like going back to the house and I was enjoying a nice seat at the park. A group of people came and started to talk with each other and make inappropriate jokes, causing me to sign and stand up. On turned their head slightly and saw me, I had put on my cracked mask before I left, and they looked at my vulnerable (e/c) eye showing.

"H-Hey! Who are you?" They asked as the group of people turned to me, causing my eyes to widen and my body to freeze. I signed what I was going to say, not wanting to let them hear my voice.

'I am just a stranger. Please pay no mind.' I signed with my hands quickly and his the cracked part of my mask in my hair.

"Who cracked your mask, pretty little thing?" One of them asked flirtatiously but I only looked away.

'That is none of your business. Please leave me be.' I signed and started to walk away, only to be stopped by one of them putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Take off your mask, doll?" He spoke again, lust evident in his voice.

"Let. me. go." I hissed out venomously while gripping onto his wrist tightly. I let go as I started to shake, my body moved away from him out of instinct and I moved to where I could look at him without letting him see that.

"Too bad. If you're gonna be a bitch then we will just have to teach you a lesson, whore." He sneered and grabbed my arm while one of his buddies grabbed my other arm.

A female from the group, I assume, sneered as she stepped forward. She pulled her arm back and took a good punch into my abdomen. They dropped me to the ground and started to kick me repeatedly while I protected my head from damage. They kicked my sides until they bruised and my mask fell off, causing me to cough from the sudden change in air pressure and from the kick one of them just delivered to my ribs. I hacked violently before they stopped and looked at me.

"Let's go, we don't need trash wasting our time." They scoffed and walked away, leaving me bruised and coughing up blood in the middle of the grass.

I shook my head, refusing to let myself lay in the grass and cry. My arms hurt but I pried myself up and stood up in pain. I sat on the bench and put on my mask, wiping the blood from my mouth before doing so. It was 6:47 pm. I lifted my hoodie and shirt up to look at the damage, seeing bruises littering my stomach and sides, along with cuts oozing crimson liquid. I put my cloths back down and stood up, wincing softly. My left leg was injured and caused me to limp. I started to make my way home, noticing a familiar face pass by me with frustration and anger written clearly on his face. It's a good thing I was wearing the mask and had my hood up, because that familiar face was my father. I rushed faster to the house, now walking normally since I didn't want to raise anymore suspicion at the house. It stung greatly, but because I had high high pain tolerance I continued to walk on the injury. You know what they say;

Injured, just walk it off.

You know the rest...

-memory end-

I shook off the slight pain in my side from earlier. I didn't care anymore about my own pain. It isn't right to hog my sympathy for injuries, it was greedy of me....


Sorry for not updating after a while! I was creating a new story and I was also angry with Wattpad. I had written the first 360 words and it deleted it while I was writing. It left only 14 words written and I had to restart. To try and gain back your happiness, I made this chapter extra long for you guys!

Faded Blades (Sans x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now