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I hissed quietly, regaining consciousness. I cried out as a terrible headache brought back the memories of what happened before I was brought to the antivoid. I cried out again as I began to shake.

"H-He hates me, I know he does!" I cried out as I shook violently. I noticed I wasn't in the void. I was laying in a blue race car bed.

I stopped crying as violently as a skeleton bursted into the room. He looked like Papyrus except he had an orange hoodie on and cargo brown shorts on. He wore untied orange sneakers and he had this lazy look to his eyes. I cried even more at the thought of my Papyrus being angry with brother all because of me. The skeleton sat down on the bed and hugged me, rubbing my back in an easy way.

"Easy there, buddy. You're safe now, Error can't hurt you anymore." He even sounded like a quieter Papyrus! I pushed him away from me and cried into my hands. He reminded me of Sans.

"Error is my friend." I told him in mumbles as I wiped away my tears. "He is really kind and I don't understand why people hate him so much!" My voice raised unto a shout as I held my arms tight against my body and started to dig my nails into them.

"H-Hey, easy there. You're hurting yourself." The skeleton grabbed my arms and pulled them apart, stopping me from hurting myself. "Error used his strings and tore up your arms."

He pulled down my sleeves to reveal the slightly red tinted bandages, causing him to gasp.

"We need to change your bandages, you're bleeding through them again." He started to unravel the bandages around my arms and making me squirm.

"E-Error saved me from Ink, he didn't hurt me." I hissed out as I tried to mumble the code, only to stop as the skeleton put his hand over my mouth.

"Ink would never hurt anyone, so you better tell me who the hell you are." His right eye was flaming orange like Papyrus' did. I whimpered quietly as he showed no signs of mercy in his expression. He removed his hand from my mouth and held me in place by the collar of my hoodie.

"Papyrus stop, I'm from the classic AU." I cried, flinching terribly at the sight of magic.

"What? How, I've never seen you and you aren't in my AU." He looked at me in anger and no belief in what I said was true.

"It's true, if the me here is like me then she's dead." I cried. "The farthest I have gotten in my AU is now. I was supposed to be killed days ago but my Sans wouldn't let me die." I continued to cry. The Papyrus let me go slowly, guilt ridding his features.

"Sorry, well you can call me Honey or Stretch, whichever you like better. Blueberry seems to know you already." Papyrus laughed nervously and tried to pat my back, only to stop when I flinched violently again.

"I want to go back to Error." I mumbled miserably. "He saved me and I want him to take me home."

"Why do you trust Error so much?" Honey asked me. "He literally destroys AUs and kidnapped my brother."

"Well technically he gave back your brother since I told Error to release him. Error is my friend. He gave me a chance and I gave him a chance. We are kind to each other." I whimpered. "I-I have to go. I will see you whenever I visit Blueberry though, okay Honey?" I told him before quickly muttering the code and a portal opened.

"Yeah, I guess." He waved and threw some bandages to me before I walked through the portal and it closed behind me.

As soon as it closed I fell to my knees and cried my heart out, not holding back anymore. My anxiety flooded my senses and cause me to cry louder, unable to rebuild all the walls it took to protect me over the past few years. I shook violently and ripped the bandages off my arms and grabbed the clean ones, wrapping them around my arms. I jumped as a felt someone gently hug me from behind. Twisting my head, I recognized Error and hugged him back.

"I-It hurts." I cried out repeatedly, only saying that phrase. Error gently rubbed my back, whispering reassuring words to me.

"D-Don't worry, everything will get better." I looked up slightly to see that Error was crying as well. "I thought th-they took y-you away forever."

"I'm here now, I can't stay away from my best friend forever, I'd become more depressed than ever if that happened." I said, sniffling as Error winced slightly when I said best friend. I ignored it and continued to hug him.

"Thank you for saving me." I mumbled to him quietly.

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