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"I-I can't." Sans cried while wiping away some of the tears leaving my eyes using his thumb.

"Wh-Why? I w-want to die." I cried, crying more. Fell randomly appeared with bandages and handed them to Sans.

"I can't kill someone I love." Sans managed to get out without stuttering.

"Um, Sans." Ink whispered, putting hand on Sans' shoulder. "I don't think she'll make it with so many injuries."

A portal opened and Sans clutched onto me tightly. Error came out of the portal and his tear stained sockets widened at the sight of me. I looked at Error in shock as he rushed over, only for him to be slapped with Ink's brush. The pink paint on Error turned to chains while Sans and Ink glared at Error. Error backed away and looked at them in horror.

"(Y/n). You remember our deal, right?" Error whispered, making me nod. "Good. Now come here, best friend." He seemed to shake in fear and sadness.

I struggled to push Sans away and get up. I held my side where the broken rib was.

"I love you too, Sans. I'm going to help my best friend now." I whispered to Sans as I limped over to Error and hugged him. Ink and Sans gasped in shock.

The chains broke as I did my best to help my soul. The cracked soul cracked a bit more as I used a bit of my trait to break the chains. I almost collapsed if it wasn't for Error, who caught me before I could hit the ground.

"Error, give her back." Ink demanded.

"Why? You're the one who commanded Fell to do this to her." Error growled back. He winced as I whimpered in pain. "She has a broken rib thanks to your demands."

"You've done worse. You stole her and you've brainwashed her!" Ink shouted, trying to defend himself.

"I'm. Not. Property." I growled/wheezed out in anger. "I cannot be stolen. And I'm not brainwashed."

"(Y/n), please come back to me." Sans requested softly. I looked up at Error and he nodded. I let go of him and limped over to Sans, hugging him.

"Sans, do you hate me?" I asked as he held me.

"No, I could never hate you." Sans reassured as Ink and Error fought verbally.

"Do you not like that I am friends with Error?" I asked, starting to shake as I felt a wave of vertigo.

"N-No, but are you okay?" I looked at Sans as he looked at me concerned. I feel myself starting to pass out.

"I-I don't feel go-..." I felt my eyes roll back as Sans started to yell my name.

-Error's Pov-

"You destroyed many AUs!" Ink shouted at me.

"I destroy the useless ones, you hording rat!" I shouted back. Suddenly Classic started screaming for (Y/n). I looked past Ink and saw (Y/n) passed out in Classic's arms as he cried out for her. "Move." I growled at Ink.

"No, you'll take (Y/n) again." He glared at me.

"Stubborn idiot." I hissed as I pushed him out of the way and ran to Classic.

"Stay with us, (Y/n). Don't die!" He cried. I grabbed (Y/n) from him and growled softly.

"Telling her not to die isn't going to do anything. Take her to Toriel." I opened a portal to the classic AU and handed (Y/n) back to Classic hesitantly. He ran through the portal and I closed it, turning to Ink. "As for you..."

-Sans' Pov-

Hurrying, I knocked frantically on the master bedroom's door with (Y/n) in my arms. I shook in fear as the door opened.

"T-Tori, help!" I shouted, my eye sockets filling with tears as I panicked.

"Oh my, what happened?" Toriel gently took (Y/n) and put her on the bed. She began to work on healing (Y/n) while I paced. "Sans, please tell me."

"Well, Ink and Error and Fell..." I tried to put together what happened in my head. "(Y/n) is best friends with Error and refused to give Ink Error's location. Then Ink or Error got Fell to beat up (Y/n)." I managed to get out.

"Oh my, that does sound bad." Toriel sighed and continued to heal (Y/n). "Go get some rest while I heal my child."

I nod and left the room, going to my room. I was just about to open my door when a scream echoed throughout the house. I rushed to Toriel's room and saw (Y/n), holding her rib tightly while tears flowed. She was crying loudly, clearly in pain.

"I'm sorry, love..."

Faded Blades (Sans x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now