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I was awoken by the sound of birds chirping outside and the sun beaming my eyes. I groaned quietly and snuggled closer to Sans, trying to escape it's deadly lights of awakening. Sans groaned as well when it got in his closed eye sockets, pulling the comforter over the both of us and engulfing us in warm darkness. There were bangs on the door of the room, but I simply took a nearby joke book and threw it at the door hard. It made a loud bang and whoever was knocking stopped.

"Sans! (Y/n)! Get up! It's almost lunch time!" It was Undyne. I growled and slid out of bed while Sans kept sleeping. I hadn't noticed my bed head but I don't care. I opened the door and glared darkly at Undyne, making her sweat nervously.

"Leave us alone. We are tired." I then closed the door and went back to bed. I slid back into his arms and nuzzled into his collar bone.

"Let's go, princess." Sans chuckled and picked me up, wrapping me up in the comforter in the process. I squealed and laughed happily as he swung me around.

He opened the door and carried me downstairs happily. I blushed brightly as we walked into the kitchen. Undyne and Alphys were laughing and taking pictures while Papyrus was confused. Toriel and Asgore were chuckling lightly, Nightmare was confused as well, and Asriel was shaking in fear as anger spread across my face. Toriel noticed the anger and stopped chuckling. I gently tugged my leg down so Sans knew I wanted down. As soon as I was put down I turned to Undyne. I smiled at her insanely and she stopped, fear written all over her face. She took off running and I chased after her.


I ended up chasing Undyne all the way outside, until she was out of breath. I still had breath left and charged at her in anger, tackling her to the ground roughly. She gave out a shriek as she fell with me on top of her. She stopped and was surprised.

"How are you so strong but so light?" She got up and half me up easily by my right arm.

"Determination is an amazing thing. Don't underestimate it." I smirk as I quickly wrapped my legs around her arm and twisted, causing her to fall to the ground.

"Hey! Let go!" She squirmed and everyone came out of the kitchen, seeing me pinning Undyne down while leaning into her ear fin thing.

"Say mercy."


"Your loss." With that I held her arms against her back grabbing her pony tail. I moved her hands between her shoulder blades and she screamed out in pain.

"Mercy! Mercy!" I let her go and smirked.

"I win." I got off her and dusted off my hoodie, going back to the comforter. I wrapped myself in it and went back into the kitchen yawning.

I ate a plate of spaghetti and went back upstairs to put the comforter back. I put the comforter on the bed neatly and walked out of the room. I walked back downstairs and slipped on my shoes, heading to the front door. I was stopped as someone put a hand on my shoulder. I turned to see Sans looking at me worried.

"Where are you going?" I shrugged off his hand and smiled softly.

"I'm just going out for a walk silly." I opened the door and waved to Sans as I walked away from the house.

Faded Blades (Sans x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now