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I have been in Error's void for a few days, crying my soul away and living in constant fear that Ink or Dream would find me. I asked Error who had took me and he only told me that a portal opened up but it sent me to the deal AU and he wasn't strong enough to keep me from falling.

I cried out as I fell, Error tried to use his strings to catch me but someone else already did. I blacked out in my captor's arms, shivering in fear. I could hear Error's cries as I was taken away.

_Dream's Pov_

I grunted softly as I caught the human girl. I huffed slightly as I closed the portal against its will. Error was crying out for the human when I closed the portal but I ignored him. Ink and Blue gave me a thumbs up and come out of the bush they were hiding in.

"Good job, Dream." Ink said, his expression was serious for once as he pat my back. I smiled proudly and Blue looked at the human worried.

"She isn't in my AU, I never saw her when the monsters reached the surface." He mumbled, reaching to take off her mask. He jerked back as the human's hand suddenly grabbed his wrist before he could touch her face.

"Don't. Touch. Me." She growled, releasing his wrist. She had gained consciousness somehow! I started to freak out until she pushed my forehead away from her and pushed herself up and out of my arms.

"(Y/n), explain yourself now." Ink glared at her, his pin pricks red. I started to get worried. Blue was looking like he was about to cry while holding his pained wrist.

"I shouldn't have to explain myself to a parasite like you." She hissed, backing up slightly.

She began muttering a bunch of numbers but was interrupted by Ink hitting her face with his paint brush. The pink paint on her turned to chains quickly as Ink snapped his fingers.

"Magic restricting chains." He smirked, thinking he had won. I knew (Y/n) had something up her sleeve, capturing her was too easy. Error had to have done something to make her want to run away from us.

"That's stupid, I can't use magic. I'm human." She scoffed. She muttered the stream of numbers again but was interrupted yet again.

"WE CAN'T LET HER FINISH, SHE WILL GET AWAY IF WE DO!" Blue screeched, putting his gloved hand over her mouth part of her face. She moved her head quickly and caused Blue's hand to slide down, quickly biting his wrist bard. I thought the fabric was going to rip as Blue screamed in pain.

"Ink, I think we may have to get a little help." I told him. He nodded in understanding and left me and Blue to watch over (Y/n).

I pulled Blue away and growled softly under my breath as my teammate cried. I turned to (Y/n) and tackled her, making her gasp out from being winded. She began to squirm and spit insults, trying to get me off.

"You no good, stupid ass, skeleton, son of a bitch! Get your fat and flat ads off me!" She hissed, making me gasp.

"Blue, cover your ears." I told the younger skeleton. He did as he was told and I glared at her.

"Oh, I'm so fucking scared. I've dealt with worse, dumbass. You don't scare me at all." She glared back, but for some reason her glare scared me. It looked soulless and cold. Her eyes were like large (e/c) pools that threatened to drown you if you got too close. No wonder Error took her under his wing, SHE'S JUST LIKE HIM!

Suddenly I heard cursing from under me and behind me. I turned slightly and saw Ink pulling Fell Sans with him out of a portal.

"What, do you think that dipshit will scare me? Ha! You gotta be joking me!" She snickered as Fell's eye sockets widened.

"I'll show you scary!" He shouted, storming over to me and (Y/n). I got up and pulled her up so then she was standing. Strangely, she was almost the same height as Fell. They started glaring and growling at each other, hissing insults and curses under their breaths while not touching.

"Fell, we need information from her. As much as I hate this, use whatever force necessary to get anything from her." Ink told him, making me gasp. We never resorted to violence!

"Ink, shouldn't we try the peaceful way to get it from her?" I asked, scared.

"We already have. Now we need her to give away Error's location." Ink sighed. Fell smirked.

"Finally, you're allowing me to hurt this bitch." He chuckled. I pulled Blue through a portal while Ink stayed to make sure (Y/n) didn't die yet.

_(Y/n) Pov_

"Finally, you're allowing me to hurt this bitch." The Sans chuckled. I smirked insanely.

"You know, S O M E T I M E S   I T   T A K E S   A   L I T T L E   P A I N   T O   K N O W   Y O U ' R E   A L I V E . " I told him, causing his smirk to falter slightly.

"Really, you want to die?" He started to scowl. "You're taking all the fun outta this."

"Yeah, well being the one hurt isn't always fun, is it?" I grunted, my mask still covering my face. "And don't think that just because I'm in chains means I can't hurt you."

"Let's get this over with." He hissed as he pushed me to the ground, summoning sharp bone attacks and hovering them over me.

My breathing hitched with fright as my memories flashed and my fear kicked in. I tried to curl up into a ball but the chains hurt my chest and abdomen. He began by tracing my left arm with a bone, slowly starting to pierce the hoodie sleeve and my arm. I shriek loudly to throw him off and he winced at the sudden noise. I used my right leg to kick him away from me, turning myself onto my side. He grunted from the force of the kick and pushed me onto my back and pinned my arms and legs down using the sharp bones and my clothing. He started to raise my sleeve but I clenched my fist and started yelling at him.

"Hey! Leave my arms alone, if you dare scratch me then my best friend will erase your ass!" I threatened, looking like I was about to murder him myself.

"Oh, I'm so scared. I'll kick your friends ass as well." He scoffed. He continued to try and move up my sleeve. I ripped the bottom of my pant legs and freed them, using them to grab the large skeleton's ankle and pulling him back before roughly kicking him in the side.

"Leave me alone! I'm never going to reveal Error's location so give up already!" I shouted and pulled myself up, ripping my sleeves. I hissed as the chains around me tightened.

"(Y/n), you cannot leave until you tell us." Ink told me. I glared him down and saw him shiver.

" N E V E R . " I growled out, only to be kicked in the jaw by the Sans. I felt like muscles around my jaw tore from the force as I fell onto my side.

"Don't talk unless your spilling the info, bitch." The edgy Sans hissed, making me growl.

The beating continued for the next hour until the Sans got tired. I didn't speak or tell anything to them for the whole hour.

"Fuck, why is this one so hard to crack?! Normally people would just give the info after 15 minutes!" The Sans shouted in frustration.

"Maybe because I've dealt with death already, what makes you think I will spill before my death? If Sans knows that you let that dipshit do this to me, he is not going to be happy, Ink." I finally said, spitting out some blood that gathered in my mouth.

"She's dealt with death?! What AU is she from if she's experienced DEATH!" The Sans screeched, questioning Ink.

"I'm from the original one, bitch." I spat at him, growling deeply.

"Impossible, you fell into the underground, right?!" I nodded.

"It took a couple hundred resets though." I rolled my eyes.

"Then how could you die?! The original AU is one of the nicest AUs!" He shouted.

"The reason I'm not seen in any AU when monsters reach the surface is because I'm dead by then, always." I told him.

"This bitch is crazy." He muttered under his breath, turning to Ink with frustration. The creative skeleton was looking at me with blank sockets and an emotionless face.

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