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I didn't let myself sleep, I only laid there with boney arms around my waist and soft snores coming from the skull that was nuzzled into my neck. I didn't care that Sans did this, I like cuddles. He always mumbled in his sleep and tossed around the bed when he isn't cuddled into me, so I always join him on the bed and cuddle that say he doesn't tear of the sheets while trying to snuggle with it. My legs were entwined with Sans' as we slept, making it extremely hard to get out of bed. I had my arms wrapped around his neck while snuggling into him happily.

Didn't I tell you not to get too attached, what are you doing right now? GETTING TOO ATTACHED!

My head throbbed but I ignored it and his voice. Sans seemed to shift in his sleep. He moved in a weird way that caused him to use my chest as a pillow while laying on top of me, not seeing the burning blush on my face. He shifted again to nuzzle deeper into my chest, making me squeak. I could feel sleep edging my mind but I didn't want to go to sleep when Sans' face was in my boobs. I heard him sigh in content and blushed brighter, slowly letting sleep take over my mind. Sans hadn't woken up at all.

-time skip-

I woke up to the sounds of Sans' soft snoring and the feeling of familiar pressure on my chest. I looked down to seen that Sans was still asleep with his head in my boobs. I looked at the analog clock that was on the bedside table to check the time. It was almost 10 am!

I sighed and tried to move but Sans' grip was too strong and I couldn't get him off. I hugged and started to think, only to feel him trying to dig his skull deeper into the hoodie cloth of my chest. I squeaked again and let out a yelp as he did his best, causing him to feel my ribs and make me since. He had a tight grip around me and I could feel intense pressure on my bruises and cuts. I could see slightly dark crimson stains in the hoodie and thought that he must've squeezed me too hard during the night and reopened some cuts. Sans slowly started to wake up, probably from my squeaks and yelp.

"S-Sans. Could be so kind as to revoke your face from my breasts?" I spoke lowly and in a slow way that way the message went through. He shot up in alarm and his face was practically a blue beacon.

"I-I'm sorry!" He scrambled off the bed and fell onto the floor. He covered his face using his hood.

"It's okay, you weren't awake when you did that." I got off the bed and headed towards the door.

"U-Um..." He was staring at my bled through shirt and his pin pricks shrunk.

"Are you okay? What's with the dark spots on your hoodie, and don't lie to me." I could hear him mumble a soft 'that better not be what I think it is' come from Sans.

"Oh, the dark spots are just some crimson paint that had spilt on me while I passed Nightmare. She was painting something." I lied between my teeth but Sans fell for my convincing act.

"Okay." I heard him mumble 'thank god' under his breath while he let out a sigh of relief.

"I'm gonna go take a shower and ask Alphys if she has another hoodie I can use." I opened the door and was splashed with blue paint.

Nightmare was standing there with a now empty paint bucket and a playful look on her wolf like face. Growling darkly, I started to chase her. I stopped before the chase could actually start because I fell down, forgetting about the now intense pain in my ankle and leg. Gasping, Nightmare ran to my side.

"Master, are you okay?!" She was looking at me with her large sapphire eyes.

"Yeah, but what did I tell you about calling me master. It isn't right, call me (Y/n) or (n/n)." I told her while looking slightly frustrated despite my since of pain.

"I can't do that, how about I call you m'lord instead?" She smiled at me in a begging way.

"Great, now I'm from England." I sighed.

"You didn't disagree, so I shall call you m'lord instead of master." she chirped happily, helping me up.


Hey guys, me again. I went to the dentist today and got my teeth clean, I've never seen something so bloody! My gums and teeth hurt from the rough flossing and the brushes. Wow, can you believe that a thirteen year old already has three of her four wisdom teeth AND her fourth one is growing in!? They said I was unique for it and that it was weird because I also have what they call perfectly straight teeth despite the fact that my bottom teeth are crooked. They also made my teeth look whiter than my gums since my gums were slightly pink but mostly red after they finished!

Sorry for ranting about the painful experience, but hey! I hope you guys are enjoying the book so far.... Until next time

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