[1] hannah's party

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AS CHRISSY finished the last swipe of lipgloss on her lip, her brother, Clay walked in her room and rested against the door frame

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AS CHRISSY finished the last swipe of lipgloss on her lip, her brother, Clay walked in her room and rested against the door frame. "You almost ready?" He asked with anticipation, he was so happy to be going to see his crush it made Chrissy cringe. "Almost." She said picking up her leather jacket.

"How do I look?" Chrissy giggled twirling, her short black dress, which was very short, stuck to her skin. "You're wearing something that no brother wants his younger sister to ever wear." Clay said crossing his arms, he loved his little sister (by fifteen minutes) to pieces, but if he could change her he'd make her more like himself.

She'd always been a troublemaker since she hit her teens, partying, drinking, she'd even been arrested once. He didn't blame her of course, he blamed her boyfriend, Montgomery, her friends, Bryce, Justin, Zach and surprisingly Sheri. He felt that if she didn't hang around with them she'd be a completely different person.

"Let's go lover boy, just undo your top button for your own sake." She said rolling her eyes and walking past him and straight out of the front door, she didn't have a good relationship with her parents, not like Clay, he was the perfect child. "Be back by 12 and watch your sister please, make sure she doesn't drink to much." Said Lainie, brushing Clay's hair. "Yeah mom, sure." He replied, before rushing out of the door.

He couldn't wait to see Hannah, her gorgeous skin, long hair, beautiful eyes and her lips. The lips the only place she applied make up. The pink, that made them look fuller and irresistible. Clay shook his head smiling, getting in the passenger seat of his sister's Mercedes.

"You're dreaming, Clay." Chrissy huffed turning on her ignition.

"Chrissy, looking hot!" Kat shouted walking over to her friend, dragging Hannah with her. "Hey Kat, you seen Montgomery?" Chrissy said looking around for her on and off boyfriend.

Montgomery and her and been dating for 6 months, they'd fight all the time then make up in pleasurable ways, like they say, make up sex is the best. Bryce and Zach would always tease them both, but mostly tried to make Montgomery jealous.

"He's in the back, but first this is Hannah." Chrissy examined Hannah, she understood why her brother had an obsession with her, she was pretty.
"Hi, I've heard many things about you." Chrissy said politely, even though she didn't care at all, she just wanted to find her boyfriend.
"All good things I hope." Hannah replied, admiring the girls beauty, she was bewildered that this was Hemlet's sister, they were nothing alike.

"Hmm, well I'm gonna go." Chrissy replied walking past the girls and out the back, she wasn't one to have many friends that were girls, and she wasn't good at making conversation either.

She spotted her boyfriend outside, with Bryce. She walked behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist. "Hey baby." He said recognizing her black acrylic nails resting on his stomach. "Hello." She whispered kissing his neck. He turned around and smiled at her worriedly. "Hey Bryce, give us a minute." Montgomery asked looking at his friend. "Sure, I'm gonna go introduce myself to the new girl." He said wiggling his eyebrows and looking at Chrissy up and down making her scoff in disgust.

"Listen babe, don't get mad at me but I accidentally sent 'that' picture to Bryce, which he then sent to Justin."

It was a Saturday morning, Montgomery had sneaked through Chrissy's window and stayed over the night before, even though they hardly slept. Montgomery was still asleep when Chrissy woke up so she decided to take a shower, making sure her bedroom door was locked incase her parents or her brother walked in. She walked into the bathroom connected to her room and turned the shower on, and took off her clothes. She was washing her hair and humming to herself when she heard a camera click. She turned her head seeing her boyfriend with his mischievous smirk. "You better fucking delete that right now." She said angrily. "Don't worry babe, this is for me only." He said turning off his phone, Chrissy chuckled, she knew he wouldn't let anybody see it.

"Are you fucking kidding me? How could you accidentally send something like that!" Chrissy was pissed off, her face had tinted to red and her arms were tightly crossed over her chest. "I know, I'm sorry. Bryce said he wouldn't show anybody." Montgomery whispered trying to make her match his tone as a few people were looking. "Have you fucking met Bryce," she shouted, "he's probably already sent it to everyone on the team! How could you do this to me?" Tears began to form in her eyes at the thought of somebody else having something like that on their phones, something they could see when they wanted, something to use against her.

"Bryce sent it to himself off my phone, babe I'm sorry." He reached his hand up to touch her cheek but she slapped him in the face, hard. "Don't you dare touch me, don't speak to me or look at me ever again. We're done." She stormed off letting the tears fall, if Bryce sent that to somebody, and that somebody sent it to another person, it'll be around the school in no time. Her life would be ruined.

went home brother, find
another ride home xx

Jeff's bringing me home,
you okay? You didn't stay
long xx

Don't feel too good, have
a good time xx

Chrissy locked her phone and threw it down in the passenger seat angrily and pushed her fingers through her hair. How could this happen to her? She knew what Bryce was like, she knew it was already round the jocks, she knew that tomorrow everybody would know.


A/N: first chapter, what do you think? This is a Jeff Atkins love story btw.


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