[34] how?

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CHRISSY LEFT Clay's room after he'd fallen asleep

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CHRISSY LEFT Clay's room after he'd fallen asleep. She sighed walking into her own room. Tony had blown her phone up, he was worried about her and wanted to talk. She texted him back telling him to pick her up.

She threw a hoodie over her body and jogged down the stairs and out the door, just in time for Tony pulling up at the curb. "Hey." She smiled getting in the car. "Oh my god did you just smile?" He asked over enthusiastically, and overjoyed. His best friend that he'd grown a bond with from both their mourning. "No." She mumbled letting the smile slip from her face.

"Are you okay? After everything that's happened these past two months, I'm worried about you."

"I'm fine."


It'd been a couple days since Hannah's funeral, nobody from school went, unlike at Jeff's where everybody showed up. Clay was dealing awfully well lately, like he never even knew Hannah, he'd literally said that to Lainie which angered Chrissy, since he was lying to their mom and lying to himself.

Mr Porter had been 'consoling' Chrissy daily, to help her grieve, even though she appreciated it, she didn't need it, her heart was healing at it's own pace and she didn't need help from an unqualified consular to do so.

Chrissy watched Clay from across the hall as his eyes skimmed Hannah's locker which had been placed as a memorial, he didn't even give at a second glance, it was like it was a normal locker, he looked like he didn't care. Chrissy went over to him, eyebrows furrowed and legs moving at a quick pace.

"Talk to me Clay. Are you okay? You really don't have to hide your feelings with me." Clay looked at his sister before shutting his locker. "Talk about what?" He asked obliviously, Chrissy scoffed shaking her head.

"How do you do that? Act like you don't care, like you don't feel anything." She was confused, he loved Hannah as much as Chrissy loved Jeff and Chrissy was in complete broken pieces after Jeff's passing, she didn't understand what her twin was doing so well to cover his feelings.

"Hannah's gone, so if Jeff, you can hold on to it or just let it go, it's easier to deal that way." Clay's voice was monotone, like he'd rehearsed his words before hand. "Excuse me Elsa but are you fucking kidding me? You loved that girl, you can't just simply 'let it go' just like that."

"So people have different grieving processes, some prefer to get on with it instead of lying in bed and thinking about it all the time." He walked away after that, before he could see the pained look on his sister's face. She felt like Clay was stepping on her heart lately, purposely trying to upset her. 

"Hey!" Chrissy turned around to Montgomery and tried to smile softly. "How are you, after everything?" She really did smile now, at her ex's concern. "As well as I can be." She said shrugging, he nodded pulling her into a small hug. "Well I'm here if you know, need a shoulder."


Chrissy decided to come home from school an hour early, she only had free period last anyway so it wouldn't matter. When she got home and walked up her porch steps she noticed a package, with her name on it.

She took it inside and opened it in the kitchen, eyebrows furrowed with curiosity, it was a shoebox and inside there was tapes labeled from 0-13 in a blue nail varnish. Blue nail varnish that she easily recognized as Hannah Baker's.


Pray for Manchester🇬🇧

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