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IT WAS late, so late. Chrissy somehow managed to stumble out of Bryce's house and was sat down on the sidewalk, she could still hear his music but she felt so dizzy. She needed to get home but didn't know how. Clay didn't have a car, her parents would be so pissed and all her fucking friends were inside and were far from sober.
She unlocked her phone and clicked the most recent call on her list, not caring if it was even Courtney Crimson, as long as she got home. Before clicking the call button she got a glimpse of the time 2:47am, she felt extremely sorry for the poor fucker she was now calling who was probably having a nice dream. The line rung and rung until it stopped and she heard a voice on the other end.
"Chrissy?" The voice was incredibly husky, like they'd just woke up but at the same time it was very hot. "Oh my god, Jeff?" Chrissy squealed holding her spare arm up straight in the sky in excitement. "Yeah, Chrissy? It's almost 3 in the morning are you okay?" He sounded genuinely worried, he knew Chrissy was far from sober at her little squeal and the way her voice was slurred. "I need your help." She said.
"Why? Where are you?" He was already out of bed throwing on a t-shirt and some pants. "I'm outside of Bryce's, Jeff, I took some kind of drug and it's made me feel really funny." Chrissy's voice started to sound emotional, she realized that she'd taken a pill she didn't even know the name of, and she understood how it could damage her. "I'm on my way, Chrissy, stay on the phone." He had his phone in his lap on loud speaker and was speeding down streets. He could hear Chrissy breathing unsteadily on the other end and occasionally hiccuping.
"I'm a few seconds a way." He told her turning another corner and driving down Bryce's street. He could see her sat on the side walk, phone in one hand and her head in another. He parked up and got out of the car to help her up. "You're here!" She said hanging up the phone and hugging him once he'd helped her onto her feet. "Course I'm here, had to help my damsel in distress." He joked, sitting her down in the passenger seat and buckling up her belt.
"what did you take?" He asked as he started to drive off. "I don't know, it was yellow and I rode a unicorn, it probably wasn't good." She mumbled leaning her head against the window. "Are you taking me home? God, my parents are gonna kill me, Clays gonna be so mad and they're going to be-" Jeff cut off her rambling by shushing her. "I'm taking you to my house you can stay with me." "Really?" she asked surprised turning to face him, curled up in his leather seat, he nodded. "Thank you Jeff."
Jeff safely and quietly got Chrissy up into his room, she told him she was gonna be sick so he carried her to the bathroom and held back her hair whilst she threw up the alcohol in her system and hopefully that pill. Jeff wasn't grossed out by it, he really liked this girl and wanted to make sure she was okay, more thank okay. He was so worried about her.
Whilst Chrissy was rinsing out her mouth, Jeff got her one of his long t-shirts she could sleep in, so she was comfortable.
She came out of the bathroom, with his t-shirt on (which he thought she looked incredibly sexy in) and her heels still on her feet. He helped her stumble over to his bed and sat her down, he took off her shoes and placed them out of her walking space. "Can you get into bed alright? I'm going to sleep downstairs." He cared too much for Chrissy to just have her sleep in the same bed as him without warning, incase she woke up filled with guilt or regret.
"No, no, no please stay." She said leaning forward and kissing his lips. "Just stay in hold me, please. I promise no funny business. Please handsome." She whispered giggling and letting out a small hiccup, Jeff thought she was so cute. So he did as she wished. He let her fall asleep in his arms feeling safe.