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Most of you know me as Criss Angel...the celebrity illusionist from Las Vegas...but what most of you don't know...is that not only was I a celebrity...but I was secretly engaged to a lovely young woman named Kc...and she was at this very moment in the hospital without me...giving birth to my son...Johnny Crisstopher...during that time...of my unknown son's delivery I was back at the Luxor in my suite making out hot and heavy with some blond bitch I had absolutely no likeness for whatsoever...and during the entire process...I hated myself for it...but I regretted it even more when my fiance's sister Rachel came in to tell me the great news...and saw me screwing someone else...she dropped her conversation instantly and called me every sick name in the book...and left...to tell Kc what a low-life cheating dog I was.

I tried to stop her...but what the hell she was right...still to this moment...I couldn't believe that I stooped to that all time low...and cheated on the only girl I truly loved...but just to make it more painful for me...Kc called me and told me that she had a child...but then told me just to hurt me emotionally that it wasn't mine...even though I knew she was lying...it still hurt me when she said it...I begged her many times if I could just see him...but she told me there was no room left in her heart for me...and that the seperation was final...and she had full legal custody of her son...and I was under the fucking dog house this time...instead of merely in it...I thought she would change her mind, and come around to forgive me...but when the cops came to me and handed me my summons paper to make it permanent...I begged her to reconsider and give me a second chance.

But when I looked into her eyes...I saw her heart not only break...but it has now turned to solid stone...and there was no more love in her heart or eyes for me...after my unfaithfulness...I couldn't blame her...but I still loved her and wanted her back...and I never gave up on that dream...I was so stoked on getting her back...that I gave up on seeing any women...and just kept my eyes on her...I even stooped down a little and begged Rachel to please keep me informed about how she was doing...and how my son was doing...and that I was dreaming of the day...that she would let me see and just touch my son for the first time...I cried myself to sleep every night since she left me...my mom and brother's tried to console me...and even went to Kc and begged her for my sake to give me another chance...but I told them to leave her alone...that she had every right to hate me...for what I did was lower than the belly of a snake...and I was the one that fucked up.

My mom was upset just by knowing that she had a grandson...that she never got to see, or even know his name...but after three weeks of begging Rachel...I did finally get her to tell me what my son's name was...so I could tell my mom that much...JD asked me if I was going to take her to court to get some kind of legal thing set up so I could have visitation rights with him...but Kc was very smart in that area and she's safety proofed all the paperwork...so my son was legally hers without argument...and the only way I would ever be able to see him...was if she let me...and for as much as she hated me...my son was never going to be able to know me...but I wasn't going to give up...that one time she loved me with every breath she took...and I was going to keep fighting until I won her back...for to me nothing was more important to me than family...and I wanted and needed to be apart of my son's life...even if I wasn't worthy of it.

I waited three months and tried to forget about the pain of my loss...but everywhere I looked I could see her...one day while I was walking toward the coffee shop...I saw Kc with our son in her arms...he was so big now beens he was almost 6 months old...even though I never saw him up close I knew it was my boy...for he had dark hair and eyes just like me...matter of fact...he looked just like I did when I was a baby...I slowly maneuvered closer to her...then I gave her a call on my phone...and begged her to appeal to her humanity and let me please see my son just once...and then I told her how much I still loved and missed her so badly...and wanted to have one more chance...but she hung up on me...I felt like crying, but I noticed that when she put her phone up...she was crying too...she did still love me...she just wasn't ready to forgive me yet.

So for as much as it pained me...I walked away...once more out of my loves life...and my son's...and waited for a few more months until I saw her again...JD and Costa were telling me I needed to just let it go...and move on...that Kc was out of my life forever...but I told them all very hostily...that I would never give up...that she and Johnny was my family...and all I wanted in my life...was to have them back in it with me...and that there was absolutely nothing I wouldn't fail to do for them...if they needed me. The woman I was cheating with even tried to get into a relationship with me...but I refused...and said she fucked up my life enough...and she was the last person on earth I'd ever want to spend time with...then I headed upstairs to my suite to sleep some of my pain and loss off.

But before falling asleep...I reached for my phone and called Kc up one more time...to give it another try...but just as she was getting ready to hang up...I begged her not to...and pleaded with her to let me see her and Johnny...even if it was just for a moment...my heart literally stopped when I heard her say...she would bring him to my show tomorrow evening...then she hung up...I laid there in the bed with Hammie tucked under my arm...and I shut off the lights...and fell asleep with a little reassuring smile.

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