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After realizing that I actually had a chance to get Kc back...I was on such a natural high, nothing could bring me down. I ran downstairs and looked all over to Kc, but she wasn't there...Klayton came walking from the party with Johnny and said that Kc ran off without him...I held my lil man...and asked Stoney if he knew where she went...and why...he looked at me while hollering at Kiefer telling him to get his shit together that he was going home...then said she just told him that she needed to leave...and to make sure he told me to take care of Johnny for the night...then he grabbed his son by his suspenders, then flung him over his shoulder...and told me and Johnny goodbye.

The reunion was now over, and everyone was heading out...I gave them all by final farewells, as Johnny was sitting on my shoulders...the last ones to leave was my mom and brothers...for they surprised me, and said that they would be staying with me for a couple days...because they really wanted to get better acquainted with Johnny...I chuckled to myself and told them they all knew where the extra bedrooms were located...then I walked with Johnny back into the house...and told him that he was going to spend the night with me...he was so ecstatic...he raised both of his arms and said yay!...then he slid down my arms and onto the couch...and ran thru the house calling to Hammie.

I grabbed a glass of water and turned out all the downstairs lights...then grabbed Johnny who had Hammie wrapped in his arms...it was quite cute how attached Hammie became to Johnny...and Johnny to Hammie...most cats want to get away from little kids, but not this cat...he ran to Johnny...whenever he was at the house...it was only 7:00 p.m. so way too early for me to go to sleep...but I knew Johnny would be konking out soon, so I just turned on the television and watched Looney Tunes with him until he fell asleep...but every time I changed the channel thinking he was asleep...he would be wide awake again...after the third time I realized he was totally playing my ass...and gave up and kept it on the Cartoon Network...and snuggled down beside him and fell asleep with him.

It wasn't til around 11:00 that I was suddenly awakened by Johnny...he was sitting up in the bed crying something fierce...I quickly turned on the lights and asked him what was wrong...thinking that he was maybe sick to his tummy, or an ear infection...but he looked at me and crawled into my arms and just kept crying...after half an hour of holding, and rocking him...trying to calm him down...he eased up enough to tell me he had a bad dream about mommy...I held him close to my heart and told him that his mommy was just fine...that she just wanted to be alone for a while...because of his silly ass daddy scaring her away with his emotional charm.

As I was just getting him to get into better spirits, my mom came rushing thru the door and asked me what was wrong with her lil grandbaby...I rubbed his back, and told her that he just had a nightmare...but he was alright now...but she came over and picked him up and rocked him back and forth for a while, then began humming a very old Greek Lullaby...that she used to sing to me when I was little, and scared...it was very soothing for me to hear again...that I almost fell asleep listening to it...as soon as Johnny was asleep she walked around to the other side of the bed, and gently laid him down, and covered him up...then told me I really needed to learn that lullaby so I could put my kid to sleep...that it worked like a charm every time...I chuckled a little bit and told her it always worked for me when I was scared...then she came over to me and grabbed my face, and kissed me on both cheeks...and told me goodnight.

I turned off the light again as soon as I knew she was back to her room...then I hunkered down and laid there listening to the lullaby in my head until I had a very bad feeling hit me...and I had the sudden urge to call Kc and ask her if she was ok...I turned on the bedside lamp, and grabbed my cell, then I went into the bathroom so I wouldn' t wake Johnny...I slowly dialed her number, and waited...when she didn't answer, and her voicemail came on...I left her a message, asking her if she was alright...and that I was sorry for calling so late, that I just had a very bad feeling run thru me, and needed to make sure...then I told her...that I wished she was there with me...again...that I missed her terribly...and that it just wasn't right living without her...then her voicemail went off, and hung up...so I went back to the bed, and slid down under the covers, and turned out the light for one final time...and closed my eyes tightly and wished that she would recieve my message and come back to me.

During the remainder of the night...I kept getting really bad feelings...so I curled up closer to my son, and wrapped my arm around him...to ease my mind...and to give me comfort...until I could fall back asleep...but no matter how much I tried...something from my mind kept waking me up...and the last time was around 3:15 a.m. and it made me so uneasy that I rushed to the bathroom and just made it to the toilet before I threw up everywhere...my stomach eased up and I rinsed out my mouth, and slowly made it back to the bed, and as I pulled up the covers and tried to get comfortable again...my cell phone went off...I reached over and grabbed it, and looked at the number...and it flashed on the screen that it was the hospital...I quickly answered it...and waited to see what they had to say...after the long introduction...they asked me if I knew a Kc Lee Carlisle...and that bad feeling I had came back and I rolled off the bed and hoarsely said yes...

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