It was the official first day with me and my little boy...but I was just not up to waking up so early...I felt like shit...but...Johnny was wide awake and playing captain kangaroo on my bed...until I playfully grabbed him and tucked him under my arm...and gave him a smooch while I was tickling him...then asked him what he was doing up so early...that not even the birdies were awake yet...he giggled and said he was hungry...I slowly sat up and shook my hair out so it would look wild...then reached over for Johnny who was still being a giggle box...and plopped him over my shoulder and carried him to the kitchen.

I pulled out some bowls and grabbed some cereal boxes...but he told me real quick that he wanted bacon and eggs...I smacked myself in the head and tossed the bowls on the counter playfully and said of course he did...what toddler would want boring I grabbed the skillet...and went to the fridge, and grabbed the bacon and eggs...but checked them to make sure they were still good...for I hardly ever cooked in my room...that it was there for when my mom visited...I looked at the jug of milk and gave Johnny a silly face and told him that it was so spoiled...then I tossed it all in the trash...I went over to him and pouted on my son's shoulder and told him that I was so not good at this...then picked him up and told him that we were going out for some real good food...Johnny clapped his hands together and said yay!!

I smiled at his reactions and carried him down to the elevator where I moved him toward the buttons so he could push it...but he wasn't happy with just one button...he took us all the way to the bottom floor...then to the 4th floor...and finally he pushed the lobby floor...but as long as he had fun...I was cool with it...for a smiling baby was a happy baby...and I didn't like when they were made me feel bad...I showed him all the food places...and asked him which one he would like to try out...he put his finger on his mouth and tapped it for a moment...which made me laugh a little...then he pointed at the Pyramid Cafe...I took him over and asked them if they could open just a little I could get my little man something to eat...they said they sure I ordered him some bacon, eggs, and a waffle...then added if I could get him a glass of juice or milk for him...Johnny saw the fork and picked it up and looked at it...then said very hungry...I rubbed his head and told him it would be out as soon.

Twenty minutes later, the nice waitress lady named Wanda came out and handed Johnny his plate with a pancake with a smiley face made out of chocolate chips...and 3 pieces of bacon and scrambled eggs...then she sat down his cup of chocolate milk...and handed me the check...I watched as my little man ate away...but he handed me one of his pieces of bacon and said he was I popped it in my mouth and said that now I was full too...I paid the check and took him to the bathrooms and cleaned him up...even though he wasn't that messy...then asked him what he wanted to do next...he jumped up and down and said play! over and over again...I lifted him up and kissed his cheek and asked him to play what...and he squealed park very loudly...I chuckled to myself and said that was a deal...but first, we both needed to go back up to the room, and get dressed for the day...for we both were still in our pajamas...and I was really getting a lot of stares from the ladies.

After I made it back upstairs...and got dressed, Johnny had a look of disappointment on his face...I asked him what was wrong, and he said his mommy forgot to put his clothes in his baggie...I looked in it and sure enough, Kc was in such a hurry, that she put everything but his clothes in his overnight bag...I put my head on my hand beside him and pouted with him for a minute then told him that I had an idea...I grabbed him and ran him downstairs to my Mindfreak Store and grabbed clothes that looked identical to mine...and dressed him up for success...and I even put one of my necklaces on him and said now we both were was epic when he swiped my sunglasses off my shirt and put them on...I took pictures of him and sent them to his mommy and wrote in under it that he was my Mini-Mindfreak/Angel Jr.

I gave him a high five and told him it was time to do some serious playing at Sunset Park...but beens it was such a nice day...I walked with him, instead of driving...when we got there the park was full of other kids...he was a little bit I ran over with him and played with him...which in turn got all the other kids wanting to play with me as Johnny made a lot of friends...but his newest and closest friend was Skylar...I knew her very well...and asked her where her daddy was...for her dad was one of my best friends, Sully Erna of Godsmack...she said she was with her mommy today...for much like me Sully and his girl were split too...but I was friends with Sully's girlfriend too...her name was Sandy.

Johnny and Skylar were playing on the swingset as I took a break and sat down and watched them from a safe distance...when Sandy came over and sat next to me...and asked me how I was doing...I gave her a tiresome smile and told her I was doing pretty good...other than losing the only girl that meant anything to me...from my extreme cheating on her...and that I was currently trying to get her I could be with my son...Sandy looked over where I was pointing and said he was so cute...then I asked how she and Sully were doing...and if she was ever going to accept his apology...for I knew for a fact, that he missed her and his little girl very badly...she looked at me and said she was going to try to give the asshole another chance...but just because I was asking her too...then she added that Skylar was really missing her daddy too...I kissed her hand and told her that no child should be without both their parents...and deep down I wished Kc would do the same for me...but I was beginning to think I had already lost her...forever.

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