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That very next morning I got a phone call from the doctor saying that Kc opened her eyes for about ten minutes then fell asleep again...but it was a very good sign...that sometime later today she would fully be awake...I was so excited I couldn't hold it in...so I called up my entire family...and told them that she opened her eyes for a few minutes...and that later on this day...she would be awake!! Then I quickly got dressed and grabbed Johnny who was still konked out...because his crazy ass daddy kept him up all night watching cartoons...so I changed him while he was sleeping and carried him to the front door getting ready to leave...when I was abruptly stopped by two police officers.

I went back inside and laid Johnny on the couch...and went back to the door and stepped outside so their talking wouldn't wake him up...I told them I was kind of in a hurry, that my girl was in the hospital and they said she was getting ready to wake up...but they cut me off and said that was their reason for being there...that Kc's car wreck wasn't an accident...that their forensic scientists checked her car, and the brake lines had been very strategically cut...that someone was trying to kill her...I put my hand over my mouth and asked them who in the hell would want to do that to her!! They both looked at me and hoped I could help answer that...but I had no ideas whatsoever...

They both told me until the matter was taken care of, that they would be posting a security sentry at Kc's door...then they were going to also have routine driveby's to check on me and the house...that Kc's killer might just get the urge to try again...I thanked them and waited for them to leave, as I just stared down at my sleeping little man, and gently picked him up and carried him to my car...and slowly drove off to the hospital asking myself what in the hell kind of mess was my Sweet Bess into...I needed to find out...before something fatal happened next...beens Stoney was with her most of the time while we were separated I gave him a call and told him I needed to talk to him...

Stoney pulled up and hauled ass to the hospital and sat down in the waiting room until Johnny and I came out...and as I sat down Kiefer and Johnny ran to the toy room...I looked at Klay and asked him if he knew what kind of trouble Kc was in...then I told him about my little visit with the cops this morning...and they told me that someone purposely cut her brake lines...Stoney jumped up and asked if they got fingerprints and if they knew who the bastard was...so he could find him and seriously fuck him up...I looked at him and said I was hoping he knew something...but he told me that Kc never told him anything about her private life...and the only thing he was there for...was to give her moral support from missing me...and her helping him out with his very hellion of a son Kiefer...because he was so not ready for fatherhood.

I looked at Johnny playing with Kiefer, and told Stoney, that I would have to find out from Kc what kind of trouble she was in...so I could get her out of whatever it was she was mixed up in. Klayton grabbed me on the shoulder and said he was with me on whatever was needed...then he went over to the kids and grabbed the Godzilla action figure and played with the kids while I went into the room to see if my Bess was awake yet...I walked in and saw the nurses removing her IV's telling me that she no longer needed them...that she was awake twice already...and very hydrated.

I thanked her and sat down...and gently placed my hand in hers and rubbed it...and asked her if she was going to open her pretty blue peepers so I can gaze into them...and sure enough moments later, Kc opened her eyes and flashed them a few times...and looked over at me as if she wasn't expecting to see me there...I moved closer to her and kissed her hand...and asked her not to ever scare me like that...and that Johnny and I have been wearing holes in the carpets from all the pacing we've been doing...after the nurse left the room, I asked her very secretively what kind of trouble she was in...that her accident she had wasn't an accident...that someone had cut her brake lines on her car...she immediately closed her eyes and gave my hand a very insecure squeeze. Which I knew it meant she wasn't ready to talk about it yet...so I told her as I kissed her forehead, that I would go get our son so she could see him...but I turned around and told her that I was going to have that serious talk, about her problem I knew she was in.

I walked out and called to Johnny and told him that his mommy was awake...he came hauling ass to me...but I told him not to be so wild...because mommy was still weak...he calmed down instantly and wanted me to pick him up...I carried him in and gently placed him in the bed with her...and she wrapped her arms around him and kissed him over and over again...telling him how much she missed her little man...and told him he was growing so fast...so I walked out of the room to let him spend mommy time with her...and I talked to Stoney and asked him if he wouldn't mind taking Johnny for a night or two...so I could talk to Kc about the trouble she was in...and who was trying to kill her...and why...he grabbed Kiefer by his shorts and told him it was about time to head home...after they both paid aunt Kc a visit...Stoney went in and kissed her and told her to get better real fast...because he really needed her help...before he strangled his son...Kc smiled at him and told him she would be glad to help him out...then Stoney held out his left arm, and told Johnny to hop aboard, that he was staying the night with him and Kiefer...and they were going to stay up all night eating popcorn, and watching movies and cartoons.

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