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As soon as the visiting hours was opened to guests...Costa and I were both up there standing over Kc...Costa even spent a few tears as he saw her lying helpless in the bed...but after he gave her a good looking over, he told me with a hug that she would be ok...then he left the room and called mom and let her know what happened. Which of course, ended up her wanting to come down with JD and Johnny to see her...but I told her that I didn't want our son seeing his mom like this...so I took the keys and told Costa to stay with Kc...that I needed to be home with our son...that I knew that's what Kc would want me to do.

I pulled up in my driveway, and ran into the house and told mom and JD that it was ok for them to go see her now...and that I would stay and take care of my son...I kept my brain functioning for what was important...which was taking care of our son until Kc was out of the hospital...and back with us...so I went up to the bedroom where he was still asleep...but I didn't know if he was up before and just was taking his nap...so I crawled in next to him and wrapped my arms around him, gave him a smooch...and told him that I was there for him...and that his mommy would be home with us both very soon...I just wished like hell that I could believe my own words...as I brushed my tears away.

I was awakened by Johnny, and quickly sat up and checked the time...I couldn't believe I passed out for almost three hours...I looked over at him, and asked him why he let daddy sleep so long...but he just giggled at me and handed me his stuffed bunny. I hopped out of bed and scooped him up and asked him if he was hungry or thirsty...he shook his head and said yes pwease...very clearly...I held onto him and straddled the railing and slid down it all the way to the bottom of the stairs...he giggled and squealed in delight all the way down...then I danced with him into the kitchen...and pulled out his juice, and asked him after I handed him his sippy cup, what he would like for lunch...he very seriously thought on that for a moment then said he wanted s'ghetti.

I gave him a kiss on his head and grabbed the pot and noodles from the cabinet...and playfully prepped his lunch...after the noodles were almost done I quickly fried some hamburger and poured marinara sauce in it and mixed it up good...then I grabbed some cheesy bread sticks from the freezer, and popped them into the microwave...then I carried him to the table and locked him in his booster seat...and told him his lunch was ready...I put it in a bowl and blew on it until it was cool enough for him to eat without burning him...then I handed him a cheese stick and sat down beside him and grabbed a bowl for myself...and ate with him...with a new and strong sense of positivity for Kc to get better.

My mom and brothers came home and said that Kc was still stable...and that her vitals were slightly improving since late last night...but told me that the nurses ran them off, saying that visiting hours was over until tomorrow...but they would call me if any drastic changes happened before tomorrow's visiting. Jd came up to me and said he was sorry to have to leave during the circumstances but he needed to get back home to New York to be with his wife and his daughter...I gave him a hug and told him that it was ok...that I had it under control...after I kissed him goodbye, I told him I'd keep in touch with him to let him know...he waved to me and jumped in the taxi...that took him to the airport.

My mom and Costa stayed with me for a couple weeks, but then they had to go back to their homes too...and as soon as my house was empty with just me and Johnny...he began to get a little upset and scared...then came the crying and screaming wanting his mommy...and asking where she was...no matter how much I held him and rocked him and told him that daddy was there...and that I loved him very much...it just wasn't enough...I didn't know what to do...all I knew was that I wasn't going to take him to the hospital...because under no circumstances was he ever going to see his mom like that...so I called up Stoney and asked him if he'd bring Kiefer over and maybe Johnny would calm down...once he saw him and Kiefer.

Klayton pulled up in the driveway about an hour later, and told Kiefer to behave himself...then as I opened the door, for Johnny to see who was at the door his loneliness took a break, and he squealed as he ran into his uncle Klayton's arms...then after greeting him he wanted Kiefer to go outside and play with him...so Klayton and I followed them out to the backyard...and I told him everything that happened...Klayton gave me a brotherly hug and told me not to worry too much...that Kc was a very strong willed person, and she would be alright...that she was just taking a break from the world right now...I hugged him back and asked him if he would go over and see her sometime today.

Klayton shook his head yes, and said as soon as he dropped his little hellion off at the daycare for a few hours, so he could get his shit done...he'd drop in and see her...I told him I would like it if he would...so he could let me know what he thought...because, without someone here to watch Johnny, I couldn't go see her. Stoney looked at me and said he'd take Johnny anytime I needed to go over and see her...I thanked him as we both sat down and drank a beer before he had to leave again with Kiefer...but it did wonders for Johnny...for as soon as they left, all he wanted to do was lay in the living room with me and watch cartoons, and eat snacks with me.

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