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Kc has now been in the hospital for almost six weeks now, even though all of her vitals were perfect, and her color was back in her face and hands...she was still in her coma...but beens her external wounds were gone and she just looked like she was sleeping I decided to take Johnny to go see her...hoping that deep down he might be able to wake her up, for the love she had for him...Johnny looked in and asked if mommy was sleeping, I looked at him a little teary eyed and told him that she was...but it was important for us to come over every day to see if we could get her to wake up...taking Johnny to see her...somehow made him more secure at knowing that she wasn't gone...she was just sleeping.

Klayton and Kiefer came to the hospital all the time too, just to check on us and her...Johnny and I even got a visit from Sully, Sandy, and Skylar...for a few hours while we were at the hospital with Kc...we ended up going out to lunch with them and taking the kids to the park to meet up with Klayton and Kiefer so they could play a little...while I talked to them...it was nice having a fun adult conversation with my friends...but the truth was I was really missing Kc, and wishing like hell that she would snap out of it and come back to her son...and to me.

But as my friends and their kids left the park, I knew I had to stay strong and be there for my son...even though on the inside I was breaking apart...longing for her to be back, and wanting her more than anything to be in my arms where she belonged...I missed her now more than ever...and I knew Johnny was missing her too...for lately he's been having some pretty rough nights and bad dreams...a few times they were so scary to him...that he wet the bed...even when I told him it was ok, and cleaned the mess up...it emotionally hurt me when he thought I was mad at him...and I made sure he knew that I wasn't mad at him. A few times I even had a nightmare or two...and they were scary as hell...but I got Johnny to laugh at me when I told him that my nightmare was so scary that I almost did something involuntary in the bed...and it wasn't peepee.

I was just getting ready to head out with Johnny when my phone rang...it was my mom...I told her nothing changed as of yet...but all her vitals were perfect...the doctors couldn't understand it either...by all rights, she should be awake right now...that she just didn't want to wake up yet...then I told her as soon as Johnny and I had our lunch at Alfresco's...we were both going to be heading over there to see her again...then I handed the phone to Johnny and told him it was grammie...he snatched the phone and talked away with her...then I heard them both say bye, and he handed me the phone back...and said that grammie wanted him and me to visit her for a week...I looked at him and told him that as soon as mommy woke up we'd all go visit grammie for a couple weeks...but right now, mommy needed us both here close to her, in case she wakes up.

As Johnny and I were eating, a lady came up to me and asked me what she would have to do to get me to go out with her...I turned around and looked at her, and it was one of my old flames while Kc was away from me...Belinda...I tried to be nice about it, but I found that it was going to be impossible...so I told her that my son was there, and now wasn't the greatest time...that I had to take him over to see his mom at the hospital...and that I was no longer available...the my son's mom and I got back together...she scoffed at me and knew I was lying like a dog, and said that his mom wasn't good enough for a man like me...that I needed a woman with style, class, and a lot of finesse...I got cocky and said this man doesn't need anything...that I already had all I ever needed...then I paid my tab, grabbed my son, and left her standing there in a stupor....as Johnny gave me a high five I looked at him and told him I had no idea what I ever saw in that broad...then I laughed with my son all the way to the hospital.

Once we got to the waiting room I glanced over and saw John Cena with April sitting in the corner chairs...I went over to him, and asked what he was doing there...he stood up and shook my hand, and said he was here with Rachel that she came to bring Kc her favorite flowers with a get well soon card, and she'd been in the room ever since...Johnny waved to his cousin, and I sat him down so he could go play with her in the toy room...I told him I needed to go check on Kc...and he said he'd look after Johnny while I went in...I thanked him and went into the room and saw Rachel standing there with a few tears, I gave her a hug, and asked if there was any sign of awakening yet...she just shook her head no...I walked up to the bedside, and leaned over and kissed her forehead, then held her hand for a while, and whispered in her ear that I loved her...as I sat down in the chair beside her bed.

Rachel stayed until John came in with both kids hanging on him...and said that April was getting very hungry...and so was he...she gave me a hug and kiss and told me to hang in there...that her sister would wake up soon...then she gave Johnny and big hug and kiss and told him to keep up the good work of taking care of me...then he scampered over to me and climbed up in my lap...and stood up on my legs so he could look at his mommy...then asked me if she was going to wake up now...I held him and gently put him on the bed with her so he could give her a hug and kiss...then I told him that she would wake up soon...he crawled back into my arms and said he wished that mommy would hurry up and wake up now...that he really missed her...I kissed him and told him that I really missed her too...then slowly left the room...as a single tear rolled down Kc's face.

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