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During the seven days Kiefer stayed with us...Kc and I both worked our magic on him...and by the time Klayton came back to pick him up...he was in fact, a whole different boy...he was very well mannered, very polite, and listened to his elders...without arguement...he turned into a very good boy...but I also think that a little bit of Johnny rubbed off on him...for he seen that Johnny's behavior with us got him...and he decided on his own, that he wanted to be treated and praised like that too...so every time Kiefer did something good Kc and I would treat him just like Johnny, and give him a reward of some kind.

Klayton told us that he got both of his album covers done without any problems...then he told his little man to come over there and see him...that he's really missed him...Kiefer ran into his daddy's arms and gave him a big kiss...and showed him that he drew him a picture...Klayton knew right away that Kc and I changed him...but he couldn't put his finger on what it was just yet...but he removed his sunglasses and asked Kiefer if he was ready to go home with his mean ass dad now...or maybe he just wanted to move in with uncle Criss...Kiefer quickly grabbed his travel baggie and said he wanted home...Klayton lifted his little bit of trouble over his shoulder and blew raspberries on his tummy...then thanked us both again and hugged us and kissed Kc, and headed to the door...but stopped and asked Kiefer what he says...Kiefer looked at Kc and me upside down and said thank you bye bye and he even added Luv you at the end.

Johnny came scampering out of the back room with Hammie hanging onto him for dear life...as Johnny screeched out bye bye to his friend...then he gently sat Hammie down by his food bowl...and ran to Kc wanting a hug...she picked him up and gave him kisses all over...then he reached out for me...asking me for help that mommy kissy monster got him...I chuckled at him and went to the rescue...but after I got him...I told him that the daddy tickle monster was a lot worse...and I tickled him all over...as he giggled, screeched, and squealed...in delight...and hollering for mommy to save him...but every time Kc came in for the save...I would tickle her too...and she hated being tickled more than anything...and when she made a run for it...I chased her with Johnny still over my shoulder...and she hollered at me to behave...but I was so in the mood for some trouble.

She tried to lock me out of the bedroom...but I snickered at Johnny and told him that mommy was always forgetting that I always carried my special key...and picked the lock in seconds...then I sat Johnny down and burst through the door and tackled her to the bed...and rough housed with her for a while...and tickled her until I got her laughing so hard...she said she was going to pee all over me if I didn't stop...Johnny jumped up on my back and said he would save mommy...and as he hugged I pretended to give in, that he was too much for me to handle...and I rolled over and pretended to be out...Kc lay there out of breath...as Johnny moved in very close to my face and asked me if he killed me...I slightly opened one eye and grabbed him and said nope...then I tickled him a little more, and jumped up and said but he managed to drive the tickle monster back into submission.

Then I lifted Kc off the bed, and she ran into the bathroom...I looked at Johnny and said mommy really had to go...Johnny smiled at me and said yep...I knelt down and told him to climb aboard the spiral express...for it was lunch time...and the train don't wait...then I moved over to the bathroom when Kc came out and stopped to pick her up too...she jumped on my back and I carried them both to the railing and told them both to hold on tight...and all three of us slid down to the bottom...where we were met by my mom and Rachel...I give them both a silly ass grin and said it was lunch time...my mom looked at me and said what did she tell me about playing on the railings...that it was dangerous...I lowered my head and said yes mommy...but it was so much fun.

I handed Johnny to his grammie, as I kissed her on the forehead...then I gave Rachel a kiss on the cheek...and carried Kc into the kitchen...and sat her down by the stove, and playfully told her to fix me up some grub...that I was starving...she smiled as she looked at me and handed me a skillet and said to get busy...that she was hungry too...I gave her a slight chuckle and asked her what I was supposed to do with an empty skillet...she sat down on the barstool, and said simply...for me to fill it...my mom and Rachel came in with Johnny and as I began to play the loving hubby role...and I wasn't even married yet...and started cooking...Johnny giggled as I was being silly while working...every time he'd laugh I'd look at him and pucker my lips at him...and would tell him not funny...I decided on making grilled greek spiced chicken fajitas for lunch.

It was my mom's favorite appetizer I made...when I was in the cooking mood...and Rachel was forever asking me for my secret recipe on them...but I told her as I told all my fans...that a good magician never reveals his secrets...then I tapped her with my spatula...after setting a couple on her plate...after everyone was served...I made one great big one for me...and magically removed my apron...and looked at Kc, as I kissed her and said dinner was so on her...she smiled at me and said that I was so much better at cooking than she was...I laughed at her and told her that it was not going to work this time.

After everyone was nice and full, I tossed all the dishes in the sink...and began washing up the dishes...while my mom told me she was taking her grandson with her while she and Rachel went shopping...I told her that was fine...as Kc came up behind me and wrapped her arms around me...and moved her hands down my arms...and into the dish water...I loved it when she liked playing...but she hadn't done this with me since way before she was even pregnant with Johnny...I entwined my fingers with hers as I let her take the dishcloth from me in the water...and we very sexually finished the dishes...after I let the water out...I turned around and lifted her up...like she was weightless...and she wrapped her legs around me...as I carried her up the stairs...in total silence.

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