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That night I was so fucking restless I couldn't sleep at all...the thought of my best friend sleeping with my Kc was driving me insane...and the way my son wrapped around him so lovingly...just broke me...it wasn't right...I know what I did was wrong...but I sure in the hell didn't deserve this...no I needed to find a way to get my sweet Bess to come back to me...so I could have a happily ever after with my girl and my son...and Stoney would just have to get his own family started...I couldn't believe it hurt so bad...but I would have work my magic slowly and gradually win my family back...for if I did anything too drastic, Kc would catch on...and I would be up Shit Creek without a paddle...or a boat for that matter...Kc would take my paddle and boat away from me...very damn quickly too...just to watch me sink in the shit.

So my plan was to get my son close to me first...then slowly work my way back into Kc's heart...which if I could get her to love me when I was a fucking goth creep from hell...getting her to fall in love with me again shouldn't be that hard...after a while...if fucking Stoney would just stay out of my way...but secretly I knew he had a crush on her ever since I was dating her...and now that it was his chance...I knew he would fight for her...and after my unfaithfulness...he definitely had the upper hand on the situation...but I was Criss Angel...and I never give up...especially when it was something this important...to me.

So for the remainder of the night...I sat up in bed holding Hammie and looking at the pictures of me and my son over and over again...until I was overwhelmed with emotion and tossed my phone on the bed and laid down and tried to sleep after a few hours of crying like a baby...I would have called my mom to talk to her, but it was like 3:00 a.m. and I didn't want to wake her up...so I slept instead...and waited until a better time to call her...and tell her all my problems...and ask her for her motherly wisdom and advice how to get my Kc back...not to mention send her all the pictures of me and her grandson...I just got.

I woke up at 7:30 in the morning and first thing I did was reached for my phone to call and cry to my mommy...after she calmed me down...and heard the whole story...she told me that only time would help my situation...and to just be myself...and not to throw any empty promises to her...after all I was just a man...and men were born and created to fuck up every now and then...it was part of life...and if I spilt my heart out to her and told her how honestly sorry I was...that she would know it...and she'd at least accept the apology...then I just changed the subject and told her about how beautiful and amazing my son was...then I sent the pictures to her...and asked her who he looked like...she couldn't believe how much Johnny looked like me, when I was his age...she said if I sat his picture next to my toddler picture...that we could be mistaken for identical twins.

I told her that would be a damn nightmare...because the world didn't even know what to do with just one of me...then I told her that he was a lot more intelligent that I ever could be...for he would have never made such a messed up mistake to break up his family...like I did...my mom growled at me and told me to stop beating myself up about it...that I made the mistake and now I was paying for it...but life goes on...and I had to just find my way back into it...that my heart was broken...but it wasn't gone...and broken things can get mended...then she added that out of all the girls I ever had a relationship with...Kc was always her favorite...and just maybe if she came down and had a talk with her, along with JD and Costa...maybe that would help...I kissed her thru the phone and thanked her...then I told her I'd talk again to her a little later...and we told each other bye and that we loved each other...then I just tossed myself on the bed and yelled at myself for being such a dumbass prick...for ruining the best thing in my life!

As I looked blankly at my phone I thought of Kc's sister Rachel...I knew she and I didn't see eye to eye right now...but there was a time when she used to tell me how good Kc and I were together...and maybe she would help me get her back...that is...if she'd even forgive me for fucking up...all I could do was hope that she'd answer her phone...after the 8th ring I just shut my phone off and looked down at Hammie who was looking at his empty food bowl...I asked him what I should do to make my life right again...he laid down and rolled on his back looking at his bowl...I slightly chuckled at him and told him I'd get his damn food...he was such a ham...and he knew he had me wrapped around his little paws.

After taking care of Hammie...I decided to show my ass down in the Lobby and maybe do a little magic for some of the guests...beens I was on vacation from the live performances...due to Felix and Rose...shutting it down to fix it up and add more seats and lights to it...it was right after I did a few card tricks for my small audience by the water fountain...when my phone rang...it was Rachel...I ran into my Mindfreak store and thanked her for calling me back...then I poured my heart out to her...and begged her for help...but she told me to get lost...at first...then she said in order for her to believe my sincerity...that she'd have to see me in person...because there was one thing I could never do to her or Kc...was lie to them...for they always could tell in my eyes and expressions if I was lying or not...nobody else could do it...but they could...that was the only thing I couldn't stand about being with them...I just couldn't get away with anything with them...but I missed it so badly, that I wanted that difficulty back...I wanted my Sweet Bess back...and I wanted my son.

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