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Before they could tell me anything I was telling myself loudly...please god don't let me hear something very bad happened to her and she was gone from me forever...I wouldn't be able to handle that...I was know on the floor and trembling badly and asked them what was wrong...for I knew I was one of Kc's ICE contacts just for my son's sake...and I also knew it was going to be something bad...I was just praying that it wasn't fatal...the head nurse from the hospital said that Ms. Carlisle was in a terrible car accident, and was just brought in a few hours ago...

I tried to stand but I couldn't...and I just kept asking what condition she was in...and the more they kept me in suspense...the tears began to pour from my eyes...but I still couldn't stand just yet...I asked the nurse to please tell me if she was going to be ok or not!!..finally she answered me and said that she was in the emergency room, getting prepped for extensive surgery...but the Dr's there seem to think she will live...I had a little weight leave my chest when I heard that...but asked her how much damage the wreck caused...but she said she didn't know anything else yet...I told her thank you, then hung up and quickly called my mom from the other room, and told her I needed her in my room now!

She dropped her phone and came running into the room, and saw me on the floor and asked me what was wrong with a scared look on her face...I told her that the hospital just got off the phone with me, and that Kc was in a very bad car accident...and that I need to get over there right away...then I asked her to stay with Johnny...she kissed me then went to Costa and woke him up and told him that I was in no condition to drive...and told him to take care of me...for Costa was the strongest and the calmest one when it came to emotional disasters...and right now I was an emotional wreck...Costa grabbed his phone and told our mom that he would keep her informed at what was happening at the hospital.

Costa grabbed my keys and after we loaded into the car he headed to the hospital...but the entire time he was trying to keep me calm...telling me that whatever it was...Kc was strong and she would bounce back...and be fine...but I just kept breaking down, and told Costa if anything ever happened to her...I wouldn't want to live anymore...Costa stopped the car and pulled me around to face him...and told me to stop being such a chicken shit...that I had too many people that needed me and loved me...including a 3 year old little boy...and that just because something happened to Kc...doesn't mean that I had to give up...because it was a hell of a lot harder for the ones that had to keep on going after losing the ones they loved.

Then he lightly pushed me back into the seat...and said if I didn't get my shit together emotionally that he would turn around and I would have to walk...because he would not take me...I calmed down, and knew he was right...I looked at him and told him I was ok now...then he shook his head and said good...then he pulled out and went to the hospital, and walked with me into the doors...I asked for Kc Carlisle's room...or if she was still in surgery...the nurse checked on her computer and said that they just brought her out of surgery but she was still in one of the ICU rooms...and their was no visitations until 9:00 a.m.

I stood there and asked her how she was...but she didn't know, so she called the surgeons nurse from ICU, and asked how the patient Kc was doing...once the nurse got all the information she hung up and told me that the surgery went well and she was stable for now...I closed my eyes and asked her how badly she was wounded...just before I could blow up on that dumb nurse...the Dr came down and asked if I was the person on Kc's ICE Contact list...I shook my head yes...and he asked me to go with him...Costa followed me until he took me into the back room...where he told me all the internal problems the wreck caused her...and that it did a number on her...that she had bleeding on the brain...and several busted ribs...one that punctured her lung...then she had a fractured wrist, and a dislocated shoulder...but after all the surgical fixing...she was in a coma...but it was just a light coma...and he was sure she would wake up in a few days or so.

Before he walked away I asked him if there was something he wasn't telling me...because I sensed him lying to me a little bit...he turned around and said he wasn't sure yet...but it depended on the way Kc woke up if she was going to be 100%...that from the trauma to the brain...and the hemhorraging...she could very well be blind, or be speechless, or she could be just fine...then I knew he was keeping it from me so I asked what about her legs...he forgot that I was Criss Angel...and he said that due to the severe trauma to the brain...and the nerves from the spinal column...that she may be paralyzed...but it was all too soon to know for sure...and he wasn't going to jump to any conclusions...until she was awake...to tell us what was going on with her body...if she was able too...then he showed me to her room and told me not to stay long...then he left.

I looked at my poor Bess lying in that hospital bed all banged up...and I couldn't control the tears from falling...and I walked up to the bed and touched her hand...and gave it a loving squeeze...and whispered in her ear to please come back to me...that Johnny and I needed her...then I kissed her lips very gently...and the doctor told me I had to leave now...I walked down to where Costa was and I fell into his arms and cried...and told him how pitiful she looked...and all the bad things that the doctor said could be wrong with her...Costa held me and said that Kc was going to be alright...and to keep thinking positively...then he carried me to the waiting room, and we sat down in the large recliners, and we both fell asleep...waiting for the real visiting hours to come...so Costa could see her for himself.

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