april 17th; me v. myself (tw)

40 8 4



i'm so tired honestly

i'm so TIRED of comparing myself to others and wishing i looked different and constantly bashing myself it's EXHAUSTING ugGHHHH

don't tell me to just "stop comparing myself to others" it's not that fucking easy fuck off

but does anyone else find it so disturbing that it's so normal for people (mostly but not limited to girls) to have dangerously self esteems like that troubles me so much

anyway tho like I just say I'm exhausted of hating myself because it's literally at the point where I feel like every time I see someone who I think is more attractive than me (which happens often) it just feels like a weight on my lungs is literally suffocating me

I'm finna try this thing where I name like things I like about myself and things I don't idk I just want like a ratio or something idk

things i like about myself
- eyes
- hair (sometimes)
- hands
- feet
- skin (kinda)
- eyebrows

things i don't like about myself
- nose
- asymmetry of my face
- chin
- lips
- teeth
- thighs
- stretch marks
- arms
- stomach
- height (most times)
- voice
- weight

i think that's it

idk there's probably more i don't like that i just didn't think of

but anyway that's 6 things i like and 12 things i dislike

so for every 1 thing i like about myself, there's 2 things i dislike

that's pretty concerning in my opinion idk what u guys think




ok i'm done now bye

also i'm sick again nice

k bye

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