may 10th; fictional boys > real boys

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I give up this attraction to real life boys is too complicated

Fictional boys are so much better rt if u agree

I just


I'm not giving up tho ok it doesn't end here no no no

I think I often forget that I have the ability to make a move and initiate relationships and friendships and such on my own without waiting for someone else to do it ??? like if u wait around for someone to get the hints it's likely not finna happen ! people, especially the Male™ species, are generally clueless when it comes to takin the hints mmmkay so girl (or boy or whatever u are) lemme jus tell u if u want a relationship to happen u can't sit there and wait for it to happen!! u can make a move!! u are a strong independent person!!! u can do it!!!!

wow if only I would take my own advice

s/o to my crippling social anxiety!

other than the fact a real life human boy won't answer my snapchats, I'm having a nice time

I have good news!!!! (If u follow my finsta u probably already saw) but I'm too lazy to talk about it rn and it's kinda a longer subject to explain so it'll wait

mmkay gn everyone love u all!

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