june 19th; bored/gtkm

15 2 2

Hi I'm bored so I'm doing some of those ig story get to know me and some tag thingies

Some of these were stolen from prettyboyrealness love u bb 😛

Some of these were stolen from prettyboyrealness love u bb 😛

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1. tbh idk
2. C L O S E D ALWAYS i HAVE to have my door FUCKING CLOSED i deadass can't sleep with my door open idk why but I meticulously need my door c l o s e d
3. 34A
4. No I'm 14
5. 5 – double ear piercings & septum (which I probably need to repierce again because of surgery :'))
6. Neither I'm a wienie
7. Yes
8. 0 I'm a child of God
9. Nah I'm pretty mature for my age
10. LMFAO my eyes only exists for a reason
11. It's pretty self-centered to think that we're the only life in the entire universe so like,, yeah
12. A or B I guess idk
13. No
14. White
15. Occasionally
16. A gray shirt and green comfy shorts
17. Ye
18. Paperweight by Meg Haston
19. Noah fence but no!
20. Probably I'm in a lot of gc's
21. Once maybe ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
22. Idk I don't watch a lot of movies
23. Probably not lol
24. 14 - 17
25. Everyone's a little judgmental but I try not to be
26. Like I have some ideas but they're not entirely realistic
27. Not really that close w either but I'm closer w my mom probably
28. Why not ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
29. Idk
30. Nope


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1. Grimes
2. Die Antwoord !
3. Pink or blue idk it depends on my mood
4. No
5. Yeah
6. Idk
7. Prefer not to say !
8. Summer or fall
9. Noah fence but Christmas because i don't celebrate it and it's annoying and seems to never end!!!!!!
10. West Coast by Lana Del Rey anD CAROLINE BY AMINÉ I L O V E THAT SONG FFF
11. I have a lot of best friends ! 💞
12. All of them 🌚💘
13. Of what tf
14. Photography, piano, art
15. Social studies or lit

 Social studies or lit

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1. If like faking sick counts
2. Ye
3. Yes
4. Ye
5. Yes (I stole a ring pop from a drugstore whoops)
6. Yes
7. Yes
8. Law & Order SVU
9. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
10. Already answered that
11. Happy D. and Lucas David
12. Grimes
13. Memories I have with my friends/concerts and things :-)
14. China Dolls by Lisa See, Wintergirls by Laurie Halse Anderson, and the Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky
15. Invisibility
16. Idk
17. Twitter
18. Neither
20. Tea I hate coffee tbh
21. 14
22. Sun libra, moon Sagittarius, rising Capricorn
23. 5'5
24. Bi
25. Idk
26. Pro !
27. Pro
28. First of all wtf kinda question I thought this was politics but,,whatever,,,anyway,,,,personally against but u do u fam
29. Pro-choice
30. Not sure
31. Hella pro
32. Wtf another kinda question I'm not here to talk about love get tf out
33. Yes and no I'm not sure
35. Nah
36. LMAO no

A lot of these are repeat questions but u know what idc

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A lot of these are repeat questions but u know what idc

1. 5'5
2. I guess u could say half a virgin ? :')
3. like a 5 or 6 lmaoaoaoaoaoa
4. Cigarettes no, weed yes but only with friends
5. Only with friends
6. Nah
7. 16/17
8. Yes
9. Yes
10. Yes
11. Yes
12. I have a lot !
13. Single dtf 😛😛
14. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
15. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
16. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
17. U r kageyama tobio
18. Some of my friends I haven't seen in a while
19. I'm an ambivert (possess characteristics of both introverts and extroverts)
20. Lets not get into this please
21. Eyes
22. A musician
23. Siblings? Never experienced that emotion. (We're not close)
24. Kinda close with my mom but my dad works 24/7 so
25. Idk just chillin man
26. I have one but I can't rmr lmfao
27. He's tall ! and funny ! and he makes me ! happy! i miss him !
28. offered to have sex with a sophomore for 1 gram of weed lmfaO
29. I didn't want them to get mad at me
30. "Ya that's why u can't find them rn" (talking about how my soundcloud playlists are private)
31. I have no idea tbh
32. Idk
33. Probably when someone I look up to compliments me/when I get complimented on something I'm insecure about
34. Idk
35. Idk
36. New York City or Japan
37. BITCH I wrote a CHAPTER about this
38. When I was in 1st grade I told everyone I was finna be a rockstar lmao
39. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
40. Osoba, którą kocham
41. With my friends
42. Deadass I don't even remember
43. Idk
44. The German word for the birth control pill is "antibabypille"

That was fun

God bless

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